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maat922 t1_ir29ap9 wrote

The thing I like about war is that it weeds from the gene pool those who will fight them. And in the case of the civil war, the North was, in fact, the aggressor. All the South tried to do was walk away from an abusive relationship.


Gatsby1923 t1_ir2li4o wrote

The thing I hate about war is the people who cause them are rarely the people who fight or die in them.


maat922 t1_ir2po72 wrote

I just assume they're all either dirtbags, or stupid. Either way, people fellate the dirtbags all day. Joe Biden throws tax money at wars like few others before him. He loves it. And Americans consider it "patriotic" to pay the taxes that pay for it. And somehow, the extremely anti-war "libertarians are crazy".


Beneficial-Hand4310 t1_ir3qp8a wrote

This is a cowardly comment.

Listen, I dug through your comment/post history and I get the whole libertarian angle...even agree with some of it. But you should respect the sacrifices veterans have made (many drafted) to protect the freedoms you enjoy on a daily basis (like the 1st amendment which protects your right to spew bitch made trash like this comment).

Another thing i noticed about your account...10 years old and negative karma...

Sometimes the whole world stinks...but sometimes you just have dogshit in your mustache. You sir have dogshit in your mustache motherfucker.