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Ogre213 t1_iqydf2k wrote

I'm going to say this in a kind but not necessarily nice spirit that you'll need to get used to up here: I've been to LA, and I've seen how you drive in rain: you all have no fucking idea how to drive in any kind of weather. Be extremely cautious until you know yours and your vehicle's limits in snow and especially ice; preferably, wait until the roads have been thoroughly cleared and sanded and then take it easier than you think you need to. Also, get yourself a pair of yak traks or similar sized appropriately for your boots ( you do have a decent pair of boots, right?), and relearn how to walk on icy or snowy pavement. Walk like a penguin; small steps and keep your center of mass over your feet. You'll get the hang of it quickly, but until you do you need to be far more careful than you think your do.

You'll get way more hate on this sub than you're likely to find in real life, just like anywhere else on the internet. If you're moving anywhere near the seacoast, feel free to shoot me a PM, I'll be happy to point you in the direction of good restaurants, mechanics, stuff like that. Also, welcome to NH, hope you like it here.


WHOLLY_GUACAMOLE OP t1_iqyw8tl wrote

Seacoast or thereabouts is where we’re hopefully headed, so will likely message you once we get settled!

No joke, LA drivers not knowing how to drive in any weather condition is a joke amongst all drivers. Especially the ones with no self awareness haha


FrozenWafer t1_iqzva8w wrote

You might get the impression people here rush on snow roads but in my experience everyone slows the fuck down. So don't worry about going slow if you're out and it is actively snowing. Be in the most right hand lane, as it is just common sense, but no worries. You'll be passing those who slid off the road and you'll make it home while they're still stuck.