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enrique-sfw t1_iu5wivn wrote

Crazy statements require crazy amounts of evidence. The onus is on you to prove your extreme statement not the other way around.


a1234321 t1_iu66p2s wrote

I'm not OP, but you get one.

I'm not going to be the guy to hand feed you things for you to explain away.

It's all out there.


HPenguinB t1_iu6dbz9 wrote

He's a sea lion. Dude knows exactly what bigoted crazy shit this guy talks about. He's part of the "child consents" church.


enrique-sfw t1_iu6tri4 wrote

I’ve been around the guy multiple times. I’ve never heard him say anything racist. I don’t know any libertarians that are racist. Sure, a lot say outrageous things but there’s context and nuance to everything. To be fair, the link you provided didn’t show any facts with context. This is why I asked for proof because as far as I can tell, that proof doesn’t exist.


a1234321 t1_iu9mlud wrote

You're so predictable.

You don't want proof. You want to dissemble.


wakko666 t1_iuayhzx wrote

> hangs out with bigots

> Doesn't see any self-incrimination in this

If you haven't clued in, it's because you're complicit.


enrique-sfw t1_iub2gl3 wrote



wakko666 t1_iucfejn wrote

Thank you for admitting defeat.

You really are the problem.

Please seek therapy instead of whatever it is you think you're doing here.