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wakko666 t1_iu5it1c wrote

Good. He's hateful, bigoted trash.

If only the LP had the good sense to do the same.


IggyBiggy420 t1_iu5z6y6 wrote

Didn't Elon say he bought Twitter to allow free speech?


wakko666 t1_iuaypbe wrote

Free speech for whom, exactly?

Who was being removed and why?


enrique-sfw t1_iu5uhdn wrote

Why do you think that? Do you have any examples that you can share?


HPenguinB t1_iu5w08q wrote


enrique-sfw t1_iu5wivn wrote

Crazy statements require crazy amounts of evidence. The onus is on you to prove your extreme statement not the other way around.


a1234321 t1_iu66p2s wrote

I'm not OP, but you get one.

I'm not going to be the guy to hand feed you things for you to explain away.

It's all out there.


HPenguinB t1_iu6dbz9 wrote

He's a sea lion. Dude knows exactly what bigoted crazy shit this guy talks about. He's part of the "child consents" church.


enrique-sfw t1_iu6tri4 wrote

I’ve been around the guy multiple times. I’ve never heard him say anything racist. I don’t know any libertarians that are racist. Sure, a lot say outrageous things but there’s context and nuance to everything. To be fair, the link you provided didn’t show any facts with context. This is why I asked for proof because as far as I can tell, that proof doesn’t exist.


a1234321 t1_iu9mlud wrote

You're so predictable.

You don't want proof. You want to dissemble.


wakko666 t1_iuayhzx wrote

> hangs out with bigots

> Doesn't see any self-incrimination in this

If you haven't clued in, it's because you're complicit.


enrique-sfw t1_iub2gl3 wrote



wakko666 t1_iucfejn wrote

Thank you for admitting defeat.

You really are the problem.

Please seek therapy instead of whatever it is you think you're doing here.


5nd t1_iu5wcsm wrote

Is he a Nazi?


LFRebel_603 t1_iu6voy1 wrote

Do you think he is? Because the person you responded to never mentioned anything about Nazis. The "Hateful, bigoted trash" comment must've triggered something in your brain linking that to Nazis.


Zealousideal_Walk515 t1_iu6ime2 wrote

You are a bigot


asphynctersayswhat t1_iu6vbo6 wrote

I know YOU are but what am I?


Zealousideal_Walk515 t1_iu6vlif wrote

You Demoncrats will suffer for your horrible policies come midterms! Losers all!


asphynctersayswhat t1_iu6vxhd wrote

Lol you’re demented. I’m not a democrat. I’m just mocking your childish contribution to the discussion


Zealousideal_Walk515 t1_iu6w1bs wrote

I’m a troll, it’s what I do


asphynctersayswhat t1_iu6wc27 wrote

Upvote for accountability. Rare from the far right. Cheers.


Zealousideal_Walk515 t1_iu7pi66 wrote

Not far right, just recognized that this NH thing seems to be dominated by very entrenched liberals and thought it would be fun upsetting them.


kearsargeII t1_iu4s8q2 wrote

If Jeremy is saying shit that is offensive enough to ban, then might as well ban the NH libertarian party twitter account as it is his sock puppet. As best I can tell, he is the guy behind it, to the point where the stupid shit that account has said nearly split the national libertarian party in an attempt to keep Kauffman from using it. Kauffman won that bit of intraparty infighting, so everything the account has said in the last couple of years probably comes from him.


nhmo t1_iu50yaa wrote

He is certifiably bonkers. He says outrageous stuff that does not even hold up to the least bit of scrutiny but when people point that out, he goes off the wall. He's someone truly living in an alternate version of reality he built up himself.


Final_Act6703 OP t1_iu531fm wrote

You understand the Republicans in state government are in direct kahoots with Kauffman? Like that school voucher shit? That is Kauffman’s shit.

Sununu is at least sympathetic to the Mises caucus. At worst, Sununu rubber stamps their ideas.


nhmo t1_iu58xh0 wrote

Oh I do. My reps are literally spouting the stuff he says. They are also hopeless.


one_way_ticketz t1_iu5fl56 wrote

Just report the lpnh account on Twitter. Literally the same shit and the guy posting on it is just evading his ban.


Opal_Pie t1_iu63k3n wrote

I had no idea this dude was real. I saw his sign on the road, and thought it was a joke.


KrissaKray t1_iu73p3k wrote

So you reported him? I think it’s gross to say those words but going out of your way to report them over it is as childish as that tweet.


Final_Act6703 OP t1_iu94z8o wrote

I think you have just discovered a major difference between yourself and I.

Conservatives want to flood the airwaves with hate speech, calls to violence, and racism without any responsibility. Their violent rhetoric results in violent attacks and assassination attempts, terrorism, hate crimes, and kidnapping attempts. Meanwhile they all clamber to suppress and censor opinions that are not their own. They say the only legitimate news is the news which is customized around their political beliefs. They promote verifiably false information as gospel, and have adopted a delusion of the masses. This is not aligned with the first amendment of the USA constitution. This is fascism.

Liberals believe that everyone has the right to say whatever they want, and believe in holding people accountable for what they say, especially when their speech hurts someone. This is 100% aligned with the 1st amendment.

These Republican Libertarian men you are rushing to defend (Jason Osborne, Jeremy Kauffman) use the N-word because they enjoy punching down from their positions. They use these terms intentionally to virtue signal to their racist base. It is designed as a subtle reminder of the southern strategy which the Republican Party has embraced since overt racism became “against the rules”.


KrissaKray t1_iu9v51x wrote

I don’t want to flood anything with hate. I just think it’s pathetic that you can’t see words and just act like an adult, you have to tattle.


smartest_kobold t1_iu51bx6 wrote

Don't worry, we can still see all his slurs right here on


DeerFlyHater t1_iu53knj wrote

I never heard of Kauffman until a couple months ago. It would be nice if I didn't have to hear about him and other rando politicians every day here.


[deleted] t1_iu57z8i wrote



Final_Act6703 OP t1_iu5k37p wrote

Twitter screen grab. Yeah! My report (and others) from Sept resulted in Kauffman getting banned today. Considering that twitter belongs to Elon, the timing of the ban going through is interesting. I think they had a bunch of bans in queue that someone just pushed through.


NewAccountNumber101 t1_iu5mejd wrote

Yea if anything he’ll get unbanned now with Musk’s new policies.


she_wants_the_diesel t1_iu5p4jh wrote

Which are what, exactly?


Final_Act6703 OP t1_iu5r6ny wrote

Musk will allow racism, hate speech, calls to violence, and misinformation. Musk will ban any news critical of Republicans, or his business, or him.


she_wants_the_diesel t1_iu5s6f9 wrote

Thanks, where did you get this information?


NewAccountNumber101 t1_iu5z9uq wrote

From Musk dude. He already unbanned Kanye and prob will unban Trump as well. It’s his stance on free speech.


she_wants_the_diesel t1_iu60gxh wrote

All of this is wildly false. Elon made this clear on Twitter two hours ago.

And he did not unban Kanye

Why are you spreading blatant misinformation?


NewAccountNumber101 t1_iu63fvm wrote

Haha I should know better than to take a tens of thousands of upvote Reddit post as actual information. Saw it while I was scrolling. He did previously (many many months ago) make a statement that he would be unbanning people. Probably more Musk hot air.


warren_stupidity t1_iu5wqm1 wrote

He likely has been advised that he cannot allow a lot of things, inciting violence is one of them.


slopeeees t1_iu98usl wrote

The delusions are strong with this one


[deleted] t1_iu95pxe wrote



kearsargeII t1_iua3bvm wrote

Companies by definition cannot violate someone’s first amendment rights, as there is no requirement for companies to be forced to support speech they do not like. It is the equivalent of kicking someone off your property if they are causing a scene, as they have full right to do whatever they want with their property.

The only entity that the first amendment applies to is the government. In literally any other case, there is no expectation that someone is required to give you a platform on their property, and no expectation that people are required to listen to it.

If Kaufman tries to sue, it would be thrown out as frivolous more or less immediately, particularly when twitter shows in its TOS that they can remove anyone for any reason. Same for Reddit. Reddit is not the government. They have full rights over who is and isn’t allowed to use their property. If you want to say things that Reddit does not want, make your own platform.

For that matter what actually might be a violation of first amendment rights would be the government cracking down on people who report things on Twitter, which would be a violation of their first amendment rights. The very idea of being able to sue an individual who “violated first amendment rights” by reporting someone on Twitter is batshit insane, as the idea that someone could violate first amendment rights by exercising their own is assbackwards.


[deleted] t1_iuanpa7 wrote



kearsargeII t1_iuaw0cv wrote

It is beyond clear to me that you don’t have the slightest idea of what you are talking about.

Anti discrimination laws only apply to protected classes, like on the basis of race, age over 40, or sex. A company can legally discriminate against someone on the basis of political belief or just straight up thinking they are dumb. The whole cake case was because they were refused because they were homosexual when sexuality is a protected class. Saying stupid shit is not one, and companies are free to associate how they wish with those people. To make those laws relevant, Kauffman would have to prove in court that his twitter ban was because he was white or straight or something along those lines, not because of things that he expressed on the site, and good luck with that.

Again, the first amendment only applies to the government. A private entity is free to choose which speech can appear. A public venue that is privately owned can choose who goes there as much as they want, provided it isn’t in the count of protected class. Theaters are not forced to have some random drunk dude come up on stage, concert halls can decide who they want to have preform. Newspapers can refuse to publish an opinion article. A public message board on private land can remove whatever messages they wish.

Section 230 just removes the publisher from liability on what is published, it does not magically make it so anyone can post what they want. It extends zero rights for people using the service, and it’s existence says nothing about what social media even is. For that matter, if section 230 was in fact repealed, social media sites would have to take a hard line in removing content as to not remove something that leads to criminal acts would open them up to liability, and erring on the site of extreme caution would be the only way to remain solvent.

And Lm fucking AO at that last sentence. Even assuming for a moment that there was a government owned social media site, complaining about someone’s post to admins would fall under free speech. At very best there might be a libel case there if the evidence was totally fabricated, but if it is a matter of opinion there is absolutely fucking zero standing for Kauffman to have a rights violation case against someone for saying something should be done about their posts. To even rule on this, provided there was no outwardly false info, would be a violation of the reporters first amendment rights. This opinion is so fucking stupid I reported your post to make a point. I hope to see from you soon when you get hit with a SLAPP judgement for trying to sue me for this.


Peeeculiar t1_iu4z0lo wrote

Did he call someone a Jehovah?
