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AKBigDaddy t1_ir61b01 wrote

This is honestly where the union issues start to lose me. Like I support collective bargaining and the right of the workers to strike- putting more power in the hands of the workers is undeniably a good thing. BUT those workers don't have an inalienable right to that job. If they all collectively walk off, it might make business sense to come back to the negotiating table and work something out, but maybe it makes sense to let them all go and start over. I don't agree with forcing the business to retain them.


lendluke t1_ir671xg wrote

100%. Also unions really aren't needed much these days in the US. Just look at food service workers wages going up like crazy given the labor shortage, no union required.


AKBigDaddy t1_ir6fcyr wrote

I disagree about not being needed, I think they absolutely still have their place, as it's not just about wages.


asuds t1_irfzlls wrote

The lack of unions is the reason that real wages have materially underperformed real productivity over the last 40 years.