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draggar t1_ir5jaqf wrote

>Exit/entry highway ramps are multi laned or have wide shoulders so there’s plenty of room to merge or exit.

I'm keeping this here - chances are you'll delete it once you try to go from 393W to 93S or 93S to 393E (Concord). :D


archipelago314 OP t1_ir5jlci wrote

I’m sure there are exceptions to the rule but this place is nothing compared to CT highways. Left exits all over the place, stop signs for merging, narrow lanes, aggressive drivers doing anything they can to get 1 car ahead. The list goes on and on lol


draggar t1_ir5ldnd wrote

I've driven through Hartford many times, yes, it's chaotic.

& Yes, on/off ramps in most of the places are pretty good, the 93S / 939 interchange is probably the worst one in the state, and the 101/93 interchange in Manchester can get confusing, too.


coldnh t1_ir6b7we wrote

I particularly love how two onramp lanes from 101west to 93 north merge into one lane. Same thing 93South to 101East.