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ReferenceAny4836 t1_itvq1uu wrote

It took those morons five months to send me my first bill, so I wonder how long it'd take them to bother turning off the gas service if you never manage to get a hold of them.

I've heard anecdotes of people moving into homes and never getting a bill from the utility for many years. Even when they call up the utility in good faith and try to get billing going, to avoid any appearance of scamming.

My point is, closing is a nightmare of kafkaesque bureaucracies and chances are very low that your gas will be off when you get the keys, so don't worry too much about it. If it is off, congrats, you now have a gas emergency! You'll probably have better luck next week after their systems upgrade or whatever the hell those dumb fucks are doing right now.

Ask the seller if they were able to stop service. Decent chance their new system has some incredibly donkey-brained bug where two workflows block each other (ie. a deadlock).