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tyrone6619 t1_it5njgl wrote

Fuck Maggie Hassan and the nonstop crucifixion of these commercials. I’m voting for the other person just because of this BS. HOLY SHIT STOP ALREADY


Wild-Pineapple6976 t1_it5pbfd wrote

> I’m voting for the other person just because of this BS

Sure you are, dude that rants about George Soros.


lizzybnh OP t1_it5oupw wrote

Good grief - the other guy is just as bad. Plus, people should look beyond these ads to find out what the candidates really stand for. Some of these ads are backed by Pacs that are not even based in NH so I wouldn’t base my vote on any of the ads.


NetHacks t1_it6rkql wrote

Yes, the guy who would accept a mother's death rather than allow an abortion for medical reasons is just as bad.


FaustusC t1_it5zoyx wrote

I mean.

I've heard more about Bulldog or Dogdick whatever his name is policies than I have Hassan's. Every Hassan add is about abortion. I literally have not heard a single one that wasn't ABORTION. DID YOU KNOW ABORTION. ABOOOOOORTION. So like. I'm not going out of my way to dig, if all your supporters are willing to pay to tell me about is a single issue, I'm comfortable assuming that's all they and you care about.


NetHacks t1_it6rikj wrote

It's probably because buldoc has said multiple times he supports a national abortion ban with zero exceptions on it. Life of the mother or the baby, doesn't matter. And he also said he basically wouldn't certify an election that his party didn't win.


FaustusC t1_it6u8ps wrote

🤷 Meh. I've also heard pro police, won't vote with biden 97% of the time and a few other things.

But. Literally all I've heard about Asshan is Abortion, so like. I'll go with the person who sounds like they give a shit about a few things over the person advertising one.


NetHacks t1_it6un14 wrote

So, in your opinion it's okay that we just let women die from preventable reasons, as long as the candidate supports the police and won't vote with Biden, regardless as to whether it's a good idea Biden is voting for or not. And you lot wonder why everyone thinks you're pieces of shit?


FaustusC t1_it6x2y8 wrote

You know why I've never been attacked by a bear? I don't go into the woods. It's literally just as easy to avoid needing an abortion.

As I said: can't name anything else she's for so, I'd literally vote for a handpuppet instead of her at this point. Also, Biden is partially responsible for our energy crisis and is literally degrading every public appearance. I've agreed with a few of his decisions but for the most part it seems like we don't align.

You lot screech like banshees about single issues while acting like children while ignoring genuine concerns that affect everyone.


CheliceraeJones t1_it7avm4 wrote

>I don't go into the woods.

NH is over 85% forested. You basically just admitted you don't go outside.


NetHacks t1_it79uwd wrote

So, no women should get pregnant then? Because most abortions are performed because of a fetal anomaly, or a risk to the mothers life. You know abortions aren't just performed because someone wants to not have a kid. Most abortions are performed on women who actually wanted a kid, but it was going to kill them, or the child wouldn't survive. Literally all we are asking is that medical decisions stay with patients and doctors. But as you said, women's lives don't matter you as long as you get to won the libs. And that's why people like you are fucking disgusting human being. Your willing to play politics with peoples fucking lives. It's a single issue, but it's a fucking big single issue. I don't want my daughter to have to potentially die some day because some piece of shit like you thinks her life isn't that important.


FaustusC t1_it7a59i wrote

Bull shit. Most abortions are performed for discretionary reasons, not medical. It's literally less than 10% where the mother is at risk. Stop lying, you numpty.

I hope you teach your daughter actions have consequences so she's never in the situation to begin with, but, if you raise her like you lie, well, I'm sure she'll be just as intelligent as you and that's not a compliment.



NetHacks t1_it7b9da wrote

Okay, so even going by your numbers those 10 percent should just die.


FaustusC t1_it7bno2 wrote

No. Ideally, they'd receive adequate care.

But I mean. If they engaged in a behavior that's known to have risks and died from a complication, that's on them.

If I go free climbing and fall, who's to blame? Me or the rocks at the bottom?


NetHacks t1_it7gi10 wrote

So, trying to have a family is an act that deserves death if there are preventable complications? And no, they wouldn't recieve adequate care under Buldocs complete ban. He's stated he doesn't believe in any exceptions. And if you think it's a single issue that stops people from supporting the Republicans, there are way more issues.


bionicwaffle002 t1_it94q0m wrote

Abortion perspective aside, I am also inundated with Hassan ads...and she does have other ones that aren't about abortion. There was that one a month or two ago that ran all the time about rights for disabled people, a pro-police funding one, and an inflation one. All are very annoying, but it would be wrong to say that both candidate ads only cover one issue