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AnalogRobber t1_irc9wjw wrote

I mean it's releasing real people from jail and they're starting the process of rescheduling, I would't exactly call it a kiss more so a viable path towards legalization which is now definitely coming. And sure, the American public on both sides want legalization but Republicans in government would never vote for it.


DeerFlyHater t1_ircuclu wrote

> And sure, the American public on both sides want legalization but Republicans in government would never vote for it.

Look up who sponsored the legal weed bill that made it out of the NH house last year. Was it a perfect bill-heck no. It was the dumb liquor store model, but Abbas sponsored it and pushed it through.


AnalogRobber t1_ircwat2 wrote

Our Republican governor has vetoed every weed bill he's recieved and Republicans on a national scale will never legalize if they have control of the house/senate/presidency


DeerFlyHater t1_irga379 wrote

> Our Republican governor has vetoed every weed bill he's recieved

Bill #s and years so I can look them up on the GC site please