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VenserSojo t1_ircmasr wrote

Biden has the authority to change its drug scheduling so why doesn't he do that?


Azr431 OP t1_ircmrev wrote

He does not


GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_ircutae wrote

He does. It could be changed immediately through executive order. Presidents in the past have had mixed feelings on using executive orders to do so but the power unquestionably exists.


VenserSojo t1_irco0r2 wrote

Its the DEA whom he picks the head of and directs via the DOJ, its not as simple as an executive order but he has the ability to pick leadership who will do as he wishes and re-pick if needed.


SkiingAway t1_irfwqet wrote

He directed them to examine re-scheduling it. That's about as close as he can get to an order, and I imagine they will probably do it/go through the process to do it.