Submitted by Nevaknosbest t3_xyafqm in newhampshire

I love my state, and I love reddit. I love seeing my fellow nh redditors sharing pictures and information about where we live. Lately this sub has been taken over by trolls. There's a ton of sketchy new and unverified accounts, and when you check their history you can see that they post in multiple states, sometimes different countries. They almost always post messages that incite and instigate conflict. Can't the mods here please do something about this?? This subreddit is becoming broken. Feels like there's more trolls than actual people from nh here. I can't be the only one that feels this way.



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Senno_Ecto_Gammat t1_irg6zs6 wrote

Please feel free to use the report button liberally.

This subreddit even has a feature that if a certain low number of people report a post it will automatically go away.


smartest_kobold t1_irge1y3 wrote

Everyone you disagree with is not a bot. Even if they were, this subreddit is mostly moderated on cruise control with no plan to change.


Nevaknosbest OP t1_iri9ruh wrote

If you read carefully what my post says, you'd have understood that it's not about a differing opinion. It's about the blatant trolling for inciting conflict. Just like I said. Already.


componentswitcher t1_irgq16o wrote

isnt this sub only actively moderated by one person


SakuOtaku t1_iucnc2x wrote

Yup, I recommend reporting them for breaking the mod code if conduct of inadequately modding a massive subreddit (ie one real active mod for 80k people)


KrissaKray t1_irgrvhe wrote

Bro, not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll. Fun fact: no one is right 100% of the time. Not even you. Get used to people disagreeing with you without you whining and moaning to the “authorities” over it. It’s not that serious. Breathe.


Peeeculiar t1_irg7d9z wrote

“Outrageous” seems like a bit of a stretch. It seems pretty civil to me.


z-eldapin t1_irg6x16 wrote

Have you seen the posts by the mod? Don't think he'll help.

Edit: also, report them


KrissaKray t1_irgrq09 wrote

Only cowards report. Or they tell Reddit they think they’re going to commit suicide or something. Ask me how I know.

Edit: because it’s been done to me at least a dozen times after commenting here.


itsMalarky t1_iri8nx6 wrote

I don't know who the "trolls" are OP is referring to.

Evidence and examples would maybe help


[deleted] t1_irify1z wrote



Nevaknosbest OP t1_irihn62 wrote

I'm sure you have, Mr. Random new unverified account. Welcome to the conversation!


[deleted] t1_irii24u wrote



Nevaknosbest OP t1_irij2wl wrote

Of course not. Tell us all where you're from, my friend! ☺


[deleted] t1_irijdia wrote



Nevaknosbest OP t1_irimu02 wrote

Or don't! You're not at all obliged to tell us that at all.


Glucose12 t1_iris4f0 wrote

You should have made your name "LightningSnooSnoo", for the extra chuckles.


kitchinsink t1_irjgdrl wrote

It would be nice to have normal discussions without being called a bunch of names for no good reason now wouldn't it.


Nevaknosbest OP t1_irju6t0 wrote

Thank you. Yes, it really would. I don't mind a public discourse on different ideas, but the constant antagonistic bots and trolls are so annoying and endless.


lendluke t1_irnzqx0 wrote

lol, why would anyone waste time making bots for the New Hampshire subreddit of 83k? I'm sorry but people posting politics that aren't your own (not knowing your politics) is not trolling. It is lazy and a cheap shot to accuse all of your opponents of being trolls.

Politics is the "mind killer" and I have seen low quality responses from multiple sides on this sub, but I don't call people trolls just because I disagree with them. The fact this subreddit isn't as much of an echo chamber (and therefore has more arguments) is the only thing that makes it tolerable.


Nevaknosbest OP t1_iro1y6o wrote

Point to where I said having a different opinion equates to trolling.


a1234321 t1_irg9tcn wrote

Having a minimum account age requirement during a political season seems like a common and effective way to combat a lot of the trolling.


[deleted] t1_irgfrfc wrote



Daerdread t1_irgq5cp wrote

I agree it won't mitigate it completely, but it'll take care of the low effort ones. Dismissing the idea completely is naive.


itsMalarky t1_iri9peo wrote

Even if this mass conspiracy to buy reddit accounts to comment on a fairly inactive sub is true, the "account age" solution would AT LEAST make it more expensive.

Banning political posts would be a serious mistake


akmjolnir t1_irip3ru wrote

It can't hurt to filter out the accounts that are only a few months old. Or have suspiciously low comment counts.

Edit: pretty much exactly like yours.


Rixtertech t1_irhkylo wrote

The people complaining about the trolls sound worse than the trolls themselves. Now I'm confused.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_irgc79m wrote


My excuse?

I comment in multiple state subs but I’ve lived in every one of those states - four of ‘em for 10 years - and I enjoy staying informed about the places I once lived. Is that not ok? You want me out?

This sub is for residents but also just “about NH,” right?

Some people think there is an unwritten residency rule but my thinking is that isn’t true. If it were true, say that in the About section or the description in the banner or make a person clarify their residency prior to letting them join.


itsMalarky t1_iri9cpq wrote

No you're fine. People who complain about out of staters, blame Massachusetts about everything, and generally act like weird ass xenophobes are a problem here.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_iribcki wrote

Thanks. Apparently OP has asked me to stop commenting and voting since I am no longer a resident, even though that’s not in the rules.

Fine. Done.


Nevaknosbest OP t1_irih1jt wrote

just wanna point out that, if you really ARE a human weirdo that posts in like eleven states because u used to live there once, and you're NOT posting hateful or inciteful shit, then clearly this post wasn't about you. I just can't understand why this needed to be explained to you.

Felt the need to do so since you're now stalking me across reddit like a weirdo.


Annual_Champion_1555 t1_isl9yjs wrote

Wow you really love that phrase huh? Was it the word of the day and you can’t stop saying it? What an awful comparison.


DeerFlyHater t1_irgejnj wrote

I've lived in a shitload of states as well.

Guess whose politics I don't care about? Those other states.

The out of state posters here are generally here to influence political points whether that is through their posts or the reddit up/down vote.


[deleted] t1_irghn55 wrote



[deleted] t1_irgil0t wrote



wegandi t1_irhx8xt wrote

No one cares about the reddit hive mind. Out in the real world in NH the average opinion is the opposite of reddits prog hive mind. You can have the matrix; its irrelevant.


itsMalarky t1_iri9hwj wrote

That's....not really proving true though. The larger cultural shift is 100% in the direction of prog values.


[deleted] t1_irigwml wrote



itsMalarky t1_irixe69 wrote

"Definitely" huh?

I don't think it's cut and dry enough to qualify that statement with "Definitely." (especially when it's pretty well studied that more voting americans tend to be socially liberal these days). But we sure will see.


dojijosu t1_iruzna4 wrote


This guy definitely doesn’t fuck.


[deleted] t1_irgjzq5 wrote



KrissaKray t1_irgrkr3 wrote

As a woman I agree. Don’t date liberal women. The only standards they have are double standards lol


[deleted] t1_irhmueg wrote



kikrs999 t1_irqas6s wrote

Nah, we’re just more educated and see larger oppressive systems beyond your scope of awareness.


Nevaknosbest OP t1_irghdzf wrote

If you've read my post in it's entirety, comprehended it's tone, and are still this triggered by it, then you're probably exactly what my subject matter is about.


KrissaKray t1_irgrgpi wrote

Unique-Public doesn’t seem at all triggered.


DeerFlyHater t1_irgay2n wrote

It's political silly season and it's reddit.

Just like out of state money increases ads on media sources, their henchpeeps are doing the same on SM.

You're never going to get enough reports on reddit to remove posts as reddit is 97% progressive people and the out of state ads speak to that population.


Able_Cunngham603 t1_irh6x5k wrote

Welcome to Reddit my friend. It is the land of trolls, rejects and basement-dwellers.

That’s also what makes it great. 🇺🇸


seanwalter123 t1_irie36t wrote

“Two words, built in America!”


TastelessTony t1_irn9hd3 wrote

Been hearing about some NH groups/gangs/militias/nationalists/MCs gatekeeping.

You notice how they all seem to do it at once. And if something is posted that goes against their views the subreddit gets filled with lame posts until the post they didn't like gets drowned out of attention.


Nevaknosbest OP t1_irna5q7 wrote

I'd like to hear more about this purported hip hop gang that resides in Manchester and lurks on reddit


baxterstate t1_irjzwc0 wrote

I miss the old New Hampshire when the Manchester Union Leader ruled.


TacoLoco2 t1_irgpl2x wrote

The trolls aren’t the problem. It’s the babies who can’t handle a different opinion are the problem. Society has raised a generation of them, and that’s who is mostly using reddit - white, and 18-29 years old disagree with these people and you get downvotes. The baby generation. Whaaa whaaa whaaa. Go ahead, Down vote away:


Beastie71 t1_irh0n6a wrote

This is hilarious. I can say my opinion, but you can't use yours to downvote! So funny that you don't see the hypocrisy. And I'm way beyond the age group you're complaining about, so maybe try a different generalization.


basiicswamp t1_irjst1i wrote

It's crazy. My parents say this stuff also. It's almost as if they forget that they're the ones that raised me 🤷‍♀️


KrissaKray t1_irgrdfw wrote

I wish I could upvote this at least twice. Nearly every comment I make in here gets downvoted into oblivion. Even mere questions. Very intolerant people. Live and let live gosh dang it lol


averageduder t1_irhc47r wrote

Because you’re a shitposter.


KrissaKray t1_irho0d6 wrote

^ there it is.

No. Im not. I’m just not apparently the smartest person in the room like you must be. 💁🏼‍♀️


itsMalarky t1_iri92c8 wrote

You only get downvoted when you say cringey partisan shit like this, calculated to troll people.

"As a woman I agree. Don’t date liberal women. The only standards they have are double standards lol "

Like..what the fuck do you expect saying shit just to provoke people?


KrissaKray t1_iriairb wrote

It’s true though 💁🏼‍♀️


RickyDaytonaJr t1_irihlss wrote

I defended you elsewhere in this thread, and I do think that some of your comments are articulate and reasonable. But, saying stuff like this seems like an attempt to provoke people and the downvotes are justified. The world is more nuanced than this, and surely you realize that.


KrissaKray t1_irj602u wrote

If I get downvotes on stuff like that then whatever. It’s an opinion based on real life experience. Whatevs. Downvoting innocuous questions and statements is whats annoying as heck.


RickyDaytonaJr t1_irkelf3 wrote

You have real life experience dating liberal women?


KrissaKray t1_irkeomp wrote

No, just existing among them lol. I don’t swing that way haha


RickyDaytonaJr t1_irgu1y1 wrote

FWIW, I don’t think you deserve many of the downvotes you get. There are people here who are definitely trolls who say stuff just to provoke a reaction, but you’ve never struck me as one of those people. I probably don’t personally agree with 80% of your comments, but don’t downvote you just because I may disagree. The world becomes boring when people all have the same opinions.


KrissaKray t1_irgu9zc wrote

I appreciate that and agree with you about the “differing opinions” thing. I do feel, though, like some people are really just out to be jerks. Not to troll, so to speak, but they rather enjoy getting their points across in the least effective and least civil ways.


Nevaknosbest OP t1_iri9oxf wrote

Which is precisely what my post is trying to point out. I don't care if we disagree on something. I hate the obvious troll accounts and bots that inundate all nh subreddit posts.