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smartest_kobold t1_iriiyk2 wrote

Sounds like an open carry demonstration. Stupid and dangerous but in a different way.


Glucose12 t1_irio6ek wrote

It's only dangerous if the firearms leave the holsters.

It could be called stupid(maybe), considering how protective NH already is of citizens 2nd Amendment rights. Like preaching to the choir.


HelloDoYouHowDo t1_iriydmw wrote

Open carry demonstrations go against everything I was taught about responsible gun ownership as a kid. I’m not anti-gun but it’s basic self preservation to turn the other way if you see a group of people with guns coming down the street. I feel like conservative NH people are sheltered in a weird way where they see guns more like toys then actual weapons. If you’ve ever actually lived somewhere where shit pops off you would never do that


5nd t1_irj3k7r wrote

>Open carry demonstrations go against everything I was taught about responsible gun ownership as a kid.

You must have been taught by boomers.

As it turns out, hide your guns away so nobody ever sees any guns except in association with violent crimes is a terrible move. Much better to normalize peaceful ownership and use of guns like the guys and gal in the post.