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petergriffin999 t1_irigji8 wrote

Downvoted for your ridiculous reaction. Grow up.


Fast-Stand-9686 t1_irigq7l wrote

I would look at you funny for running from me and making a scene too.


chain_me_up t1_irihqt8 wrote

These comments are gross LMAO. OP I'm really sorry you had a scary experience like that, NH shouldn't tolerate hate groups like Proud Boys touting guns and intimidating the public. Fuck the Proud Boys and everything they stand for.

Edit to add: If I was walking around at night and saw a group of people with guns and flags, I'm absolutely gonna be scared, why wouldn't you be? What purpose do they have besides "practicing our God given 2nd amendment rights" ? They obviously are looking to scare and harass people.


scajjr29 t1_iriihkn wrote

This is America. The allowing of all views whether you like them or not is what the country was founded on. You assumed they were part of some group without actually asking them so you have no idea what they were representing.


Glucose12 t1_iriikj6 wrote

Pathetic. I'm only giving you 0.25 Jussies for this sadly obvious piece of horsepuckey.


-cochise t1_iriisso wrote

You took a picture of this I’m sure, right?


smartest_kobold t1_iriiyk2 wrote

Sounds like an open carry demonstration. Stupid and dangerous but in a different way.


[deleted] t1_irimcfw wrote

wow you hurt a lot of snowflake republican fee-fees in here by saying you felt scared. I'm sorry that happened to you, these conservative freaks are getting bolder and bolder. Hope you don't have to meet them again.


FagenSnow OP t1_irimlar wrote

in this political climate and the way that guy looked like he wanted to kill me the evidence seemed pretty clear but you are right I didnt ask.


chain_me_up t1_irimxg5 wrote

Of course! I live pretty close to elm street so I appreciate you making this post so I'm aware of their presence, too (: don't mind all the cry baby conservatives comments either, idgaf if it's legal to have guns, the group you encountered was most certainly carrying for intimidation purposes.


Glucose12 t1_irinkg1 wrote

Assuming you aren't lying about the entire interaction, Ms Jussie:

  1. How did you know they were Proud Boys? You didn't get close enough to them to -ask- them who/what they were representing.
  2. Using cancer as a emo-manipulation token to aid in getting people to accept your story.
  3. Even if it was real, how would you know if they weren't simply disgusted by you and your mythical partner running away from them for no reason? I'd be giving you the stink-eye if you ran away from me screaming in terror. Wierd, and not because you're "obviously gay", whatever imagery that was supposed to conjure up.


I could be wrong, but my "manipulative polschemer" warning bell is dinging away like mad.


kathryn13 t1_irinso9 wrote

It’s a possibility. White supremacists issued statements in the trinity high school race incident so they could be trying to make a public show of themselves in the city. It’s election season so the culture wars are ramping up.


Glucose12 t1_irio6ek wrote

It's only dangerous if the firearms leave the holsters.

It could be called stupid(maybe), considering how protective NH already is of citizens 2nd Amendment rights. Like preaching to the choir.


Glucose12 t1_iriohyp wrote

"straight man" as in the person helping out the con artist in a swindle. The helper/aid/partner in the con. The quotes around it, prefacing the "con job" should have been sufficient context.


chain_me_up t1_irioqvc wrote

I've simply never heard anyone refer to anything like this. If you're implying I know OP and OP is lying to stir the pot, definitely not true. I hate hate groups, as I hope most considerate humans would too.


5nd t1_irit0ew wrote

Literally nothing happened?


Huntfish_603 t1_iritn14 wrote

Sounds like another boo who look at me moment.


FagenSnow OP t1_iritsv9 wrote

I posted asking if anyone knew who this group was- I did not claim anything did or did not happen. So what was your point again?


mannycat2 t1_iriuwi3 wrote

A single individual practicing open-carry = no big deal, it's NH.

A group of loud, flag waving individuals, open-carry moving as a group in the city streets = potential threatening. I don't blame OP for being scared or removing themselves from the street.

Situational awareness can keep you sale and alive.


HelloDoYouHowDo t1_iriydmw wrote

Open carry demonstrations go against everything I was taught about responsible gun ownership as a kid. I’m not anti-gun but it’s basic self preservation to turn the other way if you see a group of people with guns coming down the street. I feel like conservative NH people are sheltered in a weird way where they see guns more like toys then actual weapons. If you’ve ever actually lived somewhere where shit pops off you would never do that


5nd t1_irj3k7r wrote

>Open carry demonstrations go against everything I was taught about responsible gun ownership as a kid.

You must have been taught by boomers.

As it turns out, hide your guns away so nobody ever sees any guns except in association with violent crimes is a terrible move. Much better to normalize peaceful ownership and use of guns like the guys and gal in the post.


lucious124 t1_irjd4sj wrote

Sounds awesome. I'd have joined them if I was there. 👍🇺🇸


kitchinsink t1_irjejt2 wrote

Don't worry, there's a ton of trolls here, especially of the libertarian and/or right-wing variety. They like to make it known that they don't give a shit about their fellow humans.

I too would've been annoyed by the proud boys, and I'm sorry you experienced that. Most gun owners are normal and don't feel the need to waive their guns around like it's some sort of big dick contest.

I was raised *not* to wag my guns around, and that instead you don't make it known that you've got guns. It puts a target on ya. Still, bigots gonna bigot.


HelloDoYouHowDo t1_irjqrwm wrote

I’m not agreeing with him but the concept of the “straight man” is a thing and has nothing to do with sexuality. In comedy, it’s the character that’s supposed to be relatable who reacts to the more goofy characters. Jerry Seinfeld, Squidward, and Jim Halpert are all the “straight man” characters in their shows for example.


HernBurford t1_irk0car wrote

Nashua has had incidents with NSC-131 marching in public. Perhaps it was them? No matter what the group (Proud Boys, NSC, Patriot Front etc), their aim is to intimidate. That's what the uniform looks, open guns and flags are for. I'm sorry this happened and I hope someone had the presence of mind to take some pics or make a report about it.


Paper_Disastrous t1_irk7vqr wrote

I saw like 15 people marching around with US flags, some of which were defaced with MAGA bs. Didn't see any guns on them.