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BowTiedAgorist t1_iu9uxb0 wrote

>If they were convicted of using a firearm in a crime (even unloaded, not fired, etc) I don’t believe they should get that right back.

I don't believe they should be let out.

Part of the problem I see with a lot of this is we treat simple nonsense crimes the same as we do violent crimes.

Rape, Murder, Armed\Aggravated Assault should be punished by decades long sentences (with very easy to understand strict prosecution standards, avoiding mandatory minimums, and extenuating circumstances aside of course). I agree that rehabilitation should be the ambition... but the truth of the matter is some crimes - rehabilitation isn't nearly as important as separating someone from society.

Also - Make prison punishment again. No bullshit privileges, no bullshit commissary, no bullshit work release programs. They should be largely responsible for growing their own food - incorporating fasting, meditation, and reading as part of the daily activities. Men\Women shouldn't go to prison just to stack protein and work out while learning to be more dangerous criminals.

Part of the problem in our society is straight up prosecutorial misconduct - supercharging easy convictions while giving sweet heart deals and early release to the real scum of the earth - because we filled our prisons with people who just didn't belong there.

Most crimes we charge people with should be re-evaluated.