Submitted by Wishmunk t3_xzz7nd in newhampshire

I live with someone (relative/landlord) who is very against having it on unless the pipes are about to freeze basically. Wearing tons of layers and a hat to bed with so many blankets, with lost sleep is tough, but I suppose it's better than being on the street. Even after the heat is on I'm layering up to sleep because the person doesn't like it above 52. Just today I mentioned I was cold and that person was like "maybe you're getting sick." I checked the inside temp and it was 55 so I really don't think I am getting sick, or going crazy.

I had just been sitting on the couch, not back from running several miles so I feel like unless I want to stay active every second when Im home it's gonna be a long month or so. Luckily I'm house-sitting next week and the people said I could turn the heat on (I hadn't even asked lol)



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Clauss_Video_Archive t1_irpgcoq wrote

With oil and electric rates what they are I'm thinking maybe not at all this winter.


McMagz1987 t1_irpgg1y wrote

I turn it on when I’m cold. The way I see it, I don’t work 50 hours a week to feel uncomfortable in the hours I get to be home. If my house temp goes below 62-64 it kicks on!


[deleted] t1_irrjfe0 wrote

i don’t work 50 hours a week to spend it all on oil


5nd t1_irp700h wrote

It turns on if it goes below 65


pumpkin2291 t1_irp6zhw wrote

That’s crazy. What about an electric blanket?


Wishmunk OP t1_irp93yv wrote

Ohh I should seriously consider that...


fallfallingleaves t1_irpuvyc wrote

They make heated mattress pads, too. Such a great invention! I haven't put mine on the bed yet, but I plan to soon. I'll get out the electric throw blanket for the couch too.


wackybones t1_irvppf8 wrote

Get the kind that are washable! You get what you pay for when it comes to heated blankets but they make some really good ones you will not regret buying.


K3CAN t1_irpnixo wrote

We started ours last week. Best to make sure it works when it's still over 40°outside, rather than finding out there's a problem when it's already below freezing.


overdoing_it t1_irr3a35 wrote

I think most homes in NH use hydronic heat not forced hot air so as long as your hot water has been working, your heat will too.


RickyDaytonaJr t1_irp3dja wrote

I turned it on this week. I live at 1,900 feet elevation and turned it on after the 3rd consecutive morning of hard frost.


WeirdEngineerDude t1_irpb82t wrote

Anytime we are cold. We turn on the a/c anytime we are hot. Upper valley here. Our heat has been in for a few weeks but not running much typically.


DogCuddler1 t1_irq17k7 wrote

It’s pretty common with everyone I know that we all wait until Nov 1st to turn on the heat. For some reason, you’re not supposed to turn it on before Halloween (unless you’re a wimp). No idea how this got started.


[deleted] t1_irrjbxy wrote

it got started because it’s expensive to heat a home


DogCuddler1 t1_irrw4v2 wrote

Absolutely! I’m just not sure why we all picked after Halloween. Although it’s way too cold here to wait until Thanksgiving so I guess it’s just the closest holiday.


KrissaKray t1_irrav0r wrote

Is electric included in your rent? If it's not a separate cost for you, I'd invest in safe space heaters and heated blankets.


edited to add: I have not turned my heat on yet, though. My house is good at maintaining the heat from solar gain.


LifeWithFiveDogs t1_irpgewe wrote

We're still sleeping with the window fan blowing in. (But snug under a down duvet.)


bingqiling t1_irpml2s wrote

Our heat is set to 62 during the day and 60 at night, so it kicks on when it goes below that.


Inariele t1_irpq28e wrote

we have started using it last week, we keep everything at 68


SunshineSeriesB t1_irqto39 wrote

We have a wood stove and that was first run on 10/1. You are not crazy for thinking 55 inside is cold. It is. If it's below 65 in my house I consider firing up the stove. We're going to see how long we go before turning on the head (oil burner) but coat and hat inside is where I draw the line.


ReauxChambeaux t1_irqzla4 wrote

Been burning wood off and on for a month. My wife gets very cold


a1234321 t1_irx52r0 wrote

We use our wood stove as supplemental heat. It's great. Keeps the livingroom nice and warm but the bedrooms nice and cool for sleeping.

Our house came with an electric heater built into the bathroom that we thought was silly at first but turning that onto like 70 an hour before showering is such a luxury in the winter lol.


movdqa t1_irs07zs wrote

I turn it on when night temps are in the 30s on a sustained basis. We had one night at 32 a few days ago but the daytime temps had the house warm enough at night. My expectation is that we turn it on late October or early November this year but it depends on temperatures.


l0ngtrail t1_irqwhzr wrote

We woke up to a frost last week, we turned the heat on then… it went back up to 70 mid week, turned it off the night before. Turned it back on this morning, woke up to 55 inside

The “don’t turn the heat on until Halloween/thanksgiving” is not possible this year


Smirkly t1_irpcby6 wrote

NEVER! Well, okay, sooner or later. But not yet. one son would like to wait for thanksgiving but that won't happen.


jcch00 t1_irqyroq wrote

We turned our pellet stove on as soon as it got down to 65 in the house. That runs during the day then we turn the heat on only at night to 65.


redditthrower888999 t1_irtqjhi wrote

Sounds like you have no control over it. Here are some tips: wear thermals, they keep your body heat in. Wear a hat, especially if you have very short hair. Leave the house during the day, go to the library, librarians love heating to 80 degrees.


Happy_Confection90 t1_irtsun3 wrote

In April I set the thermostat to 65. When it gets colder than that in the fall, the heat comes on.


overdoing_it t1_irpa77p wrote

>unless the pipes are about to freeze basically

this. I can just feel dollars flying out of my pocket every time it's on but wearing a coat inside costs me nothing. But I love sleeping in the cold, even though it takes a while to get warm under the covers once you do it feels so comfy compared to struggling to keep cool in the summer.


msennello t1_irsv3kk wrote

Already turned it on in the bathroom.

The rest of the house can freeze for all I care. Plus I work non-stop, so all I do at home is sleep anyway, which I can do while piled under blankets.


[deleted] t1_irvus2j wrote

i wear snowpants in my house sometimes


a1234321 t1_irx4pmq wrote

I keep my thermostat exactly where my fiancee wants it. I think we're at 64 right now.

I'm great in the cold but I'm not going to try to prove a point by keeping my house uncomfortable.


jondaley t1_is9qkkq wrote

A couple kids had colds last week and I was feeling chilly too so we turned the pellet stove on a few hours in the morning a couple days. We won't turn on the oil for a while more yet. And with oil prices so high, we'll likely use the pellet stove more this winter.

I was born here and I didn't know the "keep my heat off for as long as possible to brag to others" was a thing until a few years ago

I turn it on when I'm cold.

As a side note, check out for the energy audit - we've had two and save at least $1000 in fuel each year and have a warmer house in the winter and cooler in the summer.


UnfairAd7220 t1_irq0ubj wrote

I'm turning mine on after I vote out every democrat that I can...


Essarray t1_irq321m wrote

What was it about this post that screamed 'politics' to you?