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Zealousideal_Walk515 t1_iudnvde wrote

Aborting at 8 months is murder by any decent standard


Solid_Information_66 t1_iuiusqq wrote

Is pulling the plug on a person declared a permanent vegetable also murder? Or is that a compassionate release from the world? I mean that is a living person with friends and family, a career, bills to pay etc. They've got a lot more to lose by ending their life than an underdeveloped fetus does.

Also no woman gets to their 8th month and wants to terminate their pregnancy. Those that have to do it in order to save their own life. And its not something they will ever forget or truly emotionally heal from. No person should ever be punished or looked down upon for exploiting the most basic of self preservation instincts. If your house was on fire, would you just sit and accept the flames, or would you fight like hell to get out?