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kathryn13 t1_iu5qe5i wrote

In light of the last thread about this spot and how mean people were...this is a real, live NH resident. He definitely contributed to the system as a professional and during retirement he volunteers and is active. I know him. He's a very kind man. I think he thought he was doing the right thing by agreeing to appear in this tv spot and I think the PAC/commercial spot producers did him dirty. Terrible quotes, terrible camera angle, and terrible production along with OVERplaying the dang spot. Hate the spot, but please be mindful that he's a real man, dad and grandpa here in the the Granite State.


juicebronston t1_iu6blyb wrote

Thanks for this comment. It really does feel like this election comes down to empathy vs cruelty.


mplaz23 t1_iu70rti wrote

Feelings are all fine & good but for the love of God please don’t vote on emotions. That’s how we got CornPop’s grandpa

This election comes down being evicted vs maybe having a small chance in hell to actually get by - or more simply put being in a depression vs a recession.

Both sides are clowns it’s a matter of which side is less of a sideshow.


juicebronston t1_iu78ruf wrote

Empathetic policy isn’t purely emotionally driven, not that you can fully separate emotion from policy anyway.


mplaz23 t1_iu7c1e7 wrote

I’m not sure either side has had a good policy in 30 years. But I was strictly speaking about voting based on emotions. Not policy. But the same principles do apply.

Feelings are how we’ve justified sending over 50 billion dollars to Ukraine. In my mind it’s just a replacement for Afghanistan & the military industrial complex.


NathanVfromPlus t1_iu7uu4c wrote

Judging from a lot of the ads, it's a little hard to tell which side is empathy.


polarityofmarriage t1_iu755ow wrote

Spoiler alert: you’re still gonna see him on route 3 southbound on your morning commute with a sun faded Pontiac Aztek going 56 mph in the far left trailing a centipede of six other motorists behind it.


disco_t0ast t1_iu8xd4y wrote

Yo man, the aztek didn't deserve that


polarityofmarriage t1_iub8qd9 wrote

I’ll hear you out if you said GTO but you know exactly which sunfaded Aztek I’m talking about we all saw it.


ANewErra t1_iu6ilyy wrote

Fuck don bolduc!


cucu_freedom t1_iu6xs3b wrote

i would enjoy this commercial much more if he just said that


NathanVfromPlus t1_iu7u60a wrote

Just a three second ad.

This Guy: "FUCKDONBOLDUC!" (stares directly into the camera for two seconds)


Hoops867 t1_iu9l96i wrote

I mean, I'd rather not.


NathanVfromPlus t1_iubj9s1 wrote

He kinda has the same sorta rugged military masculine vibe as shirtless Putin. It's not my thing, but I can sorta see the appeal.


Zealousideal_Walk515 t1_iudm0nv wrote

It’s pronounced “Fuck Joe Biden”. Sometimes it sounds like “Let’s go Brandon”


ANewErra t1_iudmc3n wrote

Anyone who wants to go backwards on woman's rights can suck my nuts


Zealousideal_Walk515 t1_iudmr7c wrote

What woman’s right? Murder?


ANewErra t1_iudmxc0 wrote

Another idiot trying to preach murder like a dumbass.

I'm not even going to entertain this.

You have such small pp energy too


Zealousideal_Walk515 t1_iudnvde wrote

Aborting at 8 months is murder by any decent standard


Solid_Information_66 t1_iuiusqq wrote

Is pulling the plug on a person declared a permanent vegetable also murder? Or is that a compassionate release from the world? I mean that is a living person with friends and family, a career, bills to pay etc. They've got a lot more to lose by ending their life than an underdeveloped fetus does.

Also no woman gets to their 8th month and wants to terminate their pregnancy. Those that have to do it in order to save their own life. And its not something they will ever forget or truly emotionally heal from. No person should ever be punished or looked down upon for exploiting the most basic of self preservation instincts. If your house was on fire, would you just sit and accept the flames, or would you fight like hell to get out?


Zealousideal_Walk515 t1_iugkbsj wrote

Suck your nuts? That’s a little extreme don’t you think? Voting liberal means turning this USA into Canada


Dramatic_Mechanic815 t1_iuf43gk wrote



AMightyOak43 t1_iu6oae9 wrote

He is one of the most believable characters on the NH political ads


paraplegic_T_Rex t1_iu6i85s wrote

You’ll see him coming down your chimney soon.


LFRebel_603 t1_iu6ldlj wrote

He's going to end up in my pellet stove if that's the case.


TurnoverTall t1_iu8frk6 wrote

If they can pull him out of that chair. I can hear the moist sucking sound and tearing of skin…


disco_t0ast t1_iu8xk5p wrote

>If they can pull him out of that chair. I can hear the moist sucking sound and tearing of skin…

Sorry, but i had to downvote this just for putting that image in my head.


kajana141 t1_iu78iqr wrote

Can’t wait for the gop propaganda to stop flooding my tv with ads


the_nobodys t1_iu7w3yy wrote

Was taking a shower one day and got totally lost in repetitions of trying to duplicate how he says EARNED!




Had to stop and laugh at myself imagining someone could hear me, lol.

Edit: not trying to belittle the man, I just find his accent fascinating


drail18 t1_iu6m03t wrote

I cant wait to not see any of the NH politics commercial in the state of Mass. The tones of NH politics suck.


Notdiamonds t1_iu79ms7 wrote

Out of all the commercials THIS one bothers you the most?!?


Beachi206 t1_iu6nvmj wrote

They had to find a good ole boy to convince all the other good ole boys to vote for humanity and not fascists.


KrissaKray t1_iu739ci wrote

Imagine thinking taking money from working people in this economy is a vote for humanity


Umamilover77 t1_iu73rll wrote

Imagine if you get disabled on your job tomorrow and need the social safety net. I guess you have probably saved enough to not rely on taxpayers for the length of your disability. Otherwise, STFU.


KrissaKray t1_iu7429r wrote

I’ve repeatedly stated that disability is a different animal from regular SS. Stop being a baby and going on emotion. Be objective if it’s at all possible. Social security (NOT SSDI) is unsustainable and you economically illiterate hacks cannot fathom removing some powers from the government if it means you have to be less accountable for your own future.


Beachi206 t1_iu75gav wrote

Apparently you’re not a property owner in this state. Even the Supreme Court NH said education funding based on property taxes is unconstitutional, yet 10 years later the legislature Go controlled hasn’t fixed it.


KrissaKray t1_iu75lx2 wrote

Fun fact: I AM a property owner in the state. With no kids at that so it’s a double whammy… getting nothing for my several thousands in property tax. Love that /s


ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_iu77lai wrote

you definitely get something from other people's kids getting educated.

hate to break it to you, but, we live in a society


KrissaKray t1_iu77sit wrote

No, not really. Public school-educated kids don’t get the educations they deserve with our tax dollars.


Benman157 t1_iu7utrk wrote

This is literally such a bad ad


Thorking t1_iu6quf0 wrote

Omg it’s insane how much I see this ad


chi_rho_ t1_iu81vqj wrote

Thishh guychzz ah dizchashtah


DegenGolfer t1_iu9bmzf wrote

Makes me want to get rid of Medicare and Social Security


Thotsnpears t1_iu9naro wrote

Don Bolduc is a human colostomy bag but this ad annoys the living fuck out of me. Guy is the human form of half melted ice cream. Giving all us fatbois a bad name.


_live_free_or_die t1_iu70y7e wrote

I saw him last night at the Palace Theatre. Lots of people recognized.


Appropriate-Ad-9691 t1_iu77i1d wrote

How r u people seeing ads. Just only use streaming services like normal people. No ads is such a healthy headspace.


OhWellington t1_iu7bbdm wrote

How did you hear about us?

*checks “word of mouth” furiously.


Moon_King_ t1_iu78ksc wrote

I cant fathom the idea of letting people sell me things.


Shoemen17 t1_iu7j1mn wrote

Huh? Wym? Steaming services still have ads


ryanpm40 t1_iu7tu7t wrote

That's why I have YouTube premium and ad-free Hulu and Paramount+. Hate ads haha


FairCut7009 t1_iu8mpuz wrote

Ad free hulu is not ad free. It's less ads


Appropriate-Ad-9691 t1_iu8yf1z wrote

My Hulu has no ads, I think there may be content on there with ads, I just ignore that stuff.


ryanpm40 t1_iu9ng9a wrote

False. Only Hulu live has ads. I've never seen a single ad on Hulu. Paramount does do an ad at the beginning sometimes, though


tarac73 t1_iu7r4ty wrote

Huh? There’s still ads on streaming services unless you buy the highest tiers (on certain platforms)


yo_mama_5000 t1_iu9aeai wrote

Maggie Hassan’s campaign was like “We need one person who has the broadest appeal across all Granite Staters. Someone they can all identify with on some level. Hmmmmm…”


NHGuy t1_iuak6rn wrote

Her campaign didn't produce this ad or even give it a thumbs up


Zealousideal_Walk515 t1_iudlft8 wrote

Yes they did, it’s all coordinated


BreaddBoye t1_iu9qulu wrote

but he’s paid for social security


mryoshi-san t1_iu9uxz0 wrote

Quaker Oats and diabetes needs a new spokesperson.


stressfactory t1_iu669ar wrote

In this thread, commenters pretend that they were born yesterday and have never seen a bad local political ad before.


T_WRX21 t1_iu6qoei wrote

I think we've all seen bad political ads, which makes this one remarkable with how absolutely terrible it is.

It's not this dudes fault. Somebody edited this together, watched it, and somehow approved it. Those are the assholes.


WoobieBee t1_iu6alnu wrote

Mean people suck ass.


jmmky67 t1_iu789n0 wrote

The absolute face of Hassan’s campaign. Priceless!


tarac73 t1_iu7r2is wrote

Yeah, no offense Santa… can’t wait til your mug is off my tv 😂


StartKitchen t1_iu9sfcw wrote

This ad came on as I was reading comments. "schoooochal schecurity" "I unnnned it"


Few-Afternoon-6276 t1_iu6bwrx wrote

Who is this?


ThatWerewolfTho t1_iu6gumj wrote

John Carpenter, director of Halloween, Escape From New York, and The Thing.


Pasfilms t1_iu8wbq4 wrote

Thank you. That's all I see when I look at this guy. If john carpenter was 200 pounds heavier that is...


Cayslayy t1_iu9eugh wrote

I think Bolduc is a giant asshole too but truly they could have picked literally anyone else in the state and it would have been a better choice.


Apprehensive-Cut1034 t1_iu8paxr wrote

I know he drives me nuts. I’m surprised he doesn’t have beer in hand and chips all over his shirt.


Zealousideal_Walk515 t1_iudp6hk wrote

Maggie Hassan’s husband let child molesters run around Phillips Exeter unfettered for years!! That’s Hooooowaabell!!


DrOblivion5550 t1_iu638yw wrote

Being in MA, I can't wait to not see another NH political ad! OMG I wish these guys would stick to Channel 9 (in New Hamster).


TheBlueKing4516 t1_iu6eq7p wrote

I heard from a friend who was hearing them in PA. How the hell does that happen


DrOblivion5550 t1_iu6om2x wrote

There is atmospheric bounce of radio and TV signals. I would just think they'd be so low as to not be receivable. But who knows.


phlukeri t1_iu8tcz4 wrote

Looks like my father in law. So sick of these ads.


Cost_Additional t1_iu92574 wrote

Man is just melting on TV


Jexxon t1_iu99roa wrote

Is there a back story here on this guy? Not a fan of Don myself but for this guy to complain about a man that served his life in the military has done more for American life then a large man with a political position.


Environmental-Job515 t1_iuk8nnc wrote

Say what you want, but this is a highly effective advertisement. Proof? You’re discussing it.


rhaxon t1_iu8yyk0 wrote

I can't stand this commercial me and my girlfriend laugh every time it comes on. There's also a new ad where he isn't the first person talking and the first time I saw it I said out loud "Oh sweet at least that guy isn't in this one." and BAM there he is. ooohsooociial Secuuuritshhhy.


Jpoppin20 t1_iu9mbid wrote

Don Bolduc for the win


ItsMeFergie t1_iu9s1l6 wrote

I don’t think anyone is winning with this commercial.


xforce4life t1_iu69s9o wrote

Want Maggie to lose because she gone full Tom Steyer


DareMe603 t1_iu8zo9n wrote

It's just another political ad to confuse us of truth. How do they get to put out such misleading statements but everyone else gets cancelled I will never understand.


Cayslayy t1_iu9ejge wrote

What does this have to do with cancel culture?


Dramatic_Mechanic815 t1_iub80zq wrote

Gotta pull the victim card somehow since it’s not acceptable to be racist or sexist anymore


Savage-Sauce t1_iu5zrk3 wrote

The reason why Bolduc will win the senate. Watch in all its glory.


meatballer t1_iu6jucf wrote

Bolduc. Is an ignorant douchebag. We don’t need more of those, not glorious.


pahnzoh t1_iu5kd88 wrote

Did they Democrats actually think hiring this geriatric as an actor to read lines to push Maggie would appeal to people?


Wild-Pineapple6976 t1_iu63dmq wrote

I don't think they can match the same kind of appeal that Don Bolduc's 33 tours fighting terrorists in Afghanistan on horseback holds for crusty flagshaggers.


pizzablue337 t1_iu6lhrp wrote

33 tours?!! That’s impressive enough in its own, but then I read that he did them on horseback


Common_Resolution_36 t1_iu8plvs wrote

I wonder if he is going to bone the flag in public like Trump did. #realmenboneflags


daymuub t1_iu6d1bw wrote

Hey bro don't hate the guy he's just a shmuck. Hate the people that paid for the ad


pahnzoh t1_iu6dak1 wrote

Oh I don't have anything against him personally other than the fact that he agreed to help promote Haggie, but I'd forgive him for that too.

I already don't like the DNC so I'm good there too.


UnfairAd7220 t1_iu74ni7 wrote

Vote Bolduc and you'll never see him again.


decayo t1_iu8uzfc wrote

I'd rather vote for the guy in the ad than that pathetic cunt bolduc.


CEGMONEY t1_iu7708q wrote

That’s rather presumptuous of you to call her a man. She’s pretty androgynous. I think you may have misgendered here.


Berneraccountbuddy t1_iu701ew wrote

Guy doesn't even understand that social security is an unsustainable program and the sooner we shut it down the better. Give him his due but current 50 year olds should be on notice, the well is drying up


kepafo t1_iu723ib wrote

Nope. Hard NOPE. Social Security is funded and will remain so long after you're dead. People like you have been saying this every year for last 50 years that I am aware of and they continue to be wrong.


Berneraccountbuddy t1_iu75stv wrote

I mean, if you say so? It's a giant ponzi scheme. I'm not even 40 and I know there's no money coming to me.


kepafo t1_iu8jxoy wrote

You don't know crap. Read the notice on the SS website. This is a fully funded program. People are sick of all the conspiracy, right wing, cry baby whining. It's tiring and a waste of all our energy that could be put towards the good.


Fast-Stand-9686 t1_iui8kbl wrote

"As a result of changes to Social Security enacted in 1983, benefits are now expected to be payable in full on a timely basis until 2037, when the trust fund reserves are projected to become exhausted"

After which benefits will have to be cut by 13% or federal payroll taxes raised by 14%. I lean more left but social security will look nothing like it does now by the time I get to see any of it. It won't run out but it will likely be severely diminished.