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ccoyote1 t1_iuhxg3k wrote

Or perhaps they're tired of this attention seeking bullshit. You don't see Planned Parenthood complaining that the Catholic Church won't host their lecture series on safe sex and abortion access. College's have widely taken the position that they respect the science around this issue and will provide a campus where people are free from harassment and belittlement. Just because they aren't welcoming people into their homes to attack people who live there (yes colleges are literally homes for their students) they aren't saying the conversation can't be had, they're just saying 'this isn't going to be your forum today.'


yo_mama_5000 t1_iuhxn6c wrote

"Attack". And there's the problem.


ccoyote1 t1_iuhygpo wrote

You've dismissed the core of what I said and focused on one thing which I will stand behind. When you go to someone's place of habitation to tell them that you don't respect them it is an attack.

I thought you were for discussion of complex and emotional issues as you don't see them occurring on campuses. Or perhaps you think you are but aren't exactly sure how to start? There are some fantastic courses at universities that could help you with that.


yo_mama_5000 t1_iuhz26p wrote

If I say I have the opinion that there are two genders (male and female), is that an attack on someone who says they identify as neither male nor female?


ccoyote1 t1_iui4q1i wrote

When you go to their home to do so in an attempt to stir shit and belittle them. Yes, it is. You see, context matters.


yo_mama_5000 t1_iui4wv6 wrote

Lol. Adding giant assumptions apparently matters for you.
