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SheeEttin t1_is09z75 wrote

Strictly speaking, Satan's Kingdom is just over the border in Massachusetts.


the_ricktacular_mort t1_is0ega4 wrote

Yeah but he keeps a summer home in Winnipesaukee (for tax reasons)


golfgrandslam t1_is12vfj wrote

You can literally see hell on Friday afternoon on the highway in the summer as the devil migrates to his summer home


FaustusC t1_is0nams wrote

Like half of Massachusetts.


Consistent-Winter-67 t1_is3m5cp wrote

As a Mass resident, I'll have you know we have second homes in all of the new England states. Especially Maine.


ShortUSA t1_is45qvq wrote

The NH folks are just pissy because they sit in traffic every weeknight coming home from their good paying MA jobs. The last thing they need on Friday is MA people coming up to their second homes in NH.