Submitted by HenyaHu t3_yd85nx in newhampshire

My mother-in-law from China is staying with us for the time being. I want to help her find some friends here but she does not speak English.

Do you know of any Chinese groups in New Hampshire that put on local events or whom get together periodically? We live in Newmarket, so closer to that area the better.



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Spezs_Fat_Mom_45 t1_itqt2xc wrote

Take her the the New Pine Garden in Exeter. Foods good and she can chat it up with the crew there. I think the older folks have mahjong games on weekends. That’s the word on the street...


engineered_academic t1_itrlia8 wrote

At your location you're probably going to find going to Boston to be a better fit than anywhere in NH.

While 1st generation Chinese immigrants exist in NH, they largely fly under the radar as Chinese restaurant owners if they aren't college students. I've met a few that have married American spouses and moved to NH with them. However these folks are few and far between. There are several Wechat groups for Chinese people in New Hampshire, but you have to know a member to get in.


pbsolaris t1_its11dx wrote

I'm happy she got out of that place before shit hits the fan.


Reubachi t1_itv3egg wrote

This will sound odd, but Summer/Fall in the WMNF is jam-packed with Chinese tourists (and to a similar extent, folks from India Nepal Bangladesh etc.) I'm not sure if it's because it's the only thing to do here and is kind of comparable to mountians back home?

I go up very reularly to hike and am amazed by the tourist groups and how easily they seem to hike our mountains in travel gear :p I've had many pleasant convos with these folks, likely cuz they're on vacation and in a good mood :p

But if you and your MIL make it up north I'm sure you guys would find tons of Mandarin/Cantonese people either on trail, at restaurants, in the conway outlets, taking the tram, etc.


Consistent_Drink5975 t1_itzodwj wrote

Guessing you're not Chinese I will say no one hates Chinese people more than other Chinese people. If they're not from the same area/background they'd rather talk to americans.


movdqa t1_iu7k13z wrote

Our kids went to Chinese language schools a long time ago in Chelmsford and there are a fair number of these schools outside of Boston. Boston, of course, has a Chinatown and your MIL may be interested in visiting. My experience has been that people visiting here have been more interested in seeing and experiencing the area rather than talking to other Chinese - even with the language issue. My wife speaks several dialects and my son speaks Mandarin and I just keep one close if I go to a country where the main language is Chinese.