Submitted by misomiso82 t3_ycic8g in newhampshire

There is a lot of talk online about how the Republican challenger is doing very well, and if the Republicans have a good year he may take the state.

However there is a lack of New Hamp polls, the Incumbant has spent close to 30 million dollars, and apparently last Friday the Republican Senate campaign control committee stopped funding the New Hampshire campaign.

On the one hand the Republicans have an interest in talking up their chances to try and get more money, however apparently on the other a lot of polling companies consistently over measure Dem support.

As somebody from London UK this race seems quite interesting as isn't New Hampshire a solidly 'Blue' state?!

Reasoned and informative and NEUTRAL replies will be appreciated! Ty!



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RickyDaytonaJr t1_itmnx7l wrote

The Republican PAC sees Herschel Walker and Dr. Oz as better bets than Don Bolduc.

I mean, they’re right. Don Bolduc is batshit crazy. But, it’s a pretty sad state of affairs when Herschel Walker and Dr. Oz are viable Senate candidates.


pahnzoh t1_itnz553 wrote

Maybe there's just a lot of libtards that moved here?


timkandykaine t1_itpckji wrote

New Hampshire for at least the previous few decades has a tradition of voting for centrist democrats over the lunatics the republicans nominate, and an even longer tradition of electing more “moderate” polite republicans

If Bolduc could contain himself and act more like a Sununu he’d probably sweep Hassan away. Unfortunately for you New Hampshire republicans love nominating the craziest people on earth for what should be slam dunk elections. In case you were wondering why someone like Annie Kuster has been there that long


pahnzoh t1_itplj7w wrote

Well that's a biased perspective.

But the morons of this state are still voting for these Democrat scumbags, even if they're fooling themselves that they're the lesser of two evils.


timkandykaine t1_itpmuh5 wrote

No shit. Of course it’s a biased perspective. Every political opinion anyone has ever had is biased.

I have no love for the state Democratic Party, and less love for the state GOP, but even I’m secondhand pissed off on your behalf by the political malpractice of the state republicans.

There’s absolutely no reason this senate race should be a lost cause for the republicans, same goes for house races. But it’s what you get when your primary voters are ideologically removed from the general electorate

Sununu is also going to win by a massive landslide this election despite being a republican, because whatever else you can say about the man he doesn’t come across as a fucking lunatic


pahnzoh t1_itq9xi1 wrote

All of the Democrats come across as fucking lunatics as well. That's why I think this system, while perhaps well intentioned 230 years ago, is fundamentally broken. We don't need to choose rulers like this every few years when they're all scumbags.


timkandykaine t1_itqtfyy wrote

I find them kinda weird and robotic but they seem like normal politicians


Hutwe t1_itpvmey wrote

Not sure what Libertarians have to do with this, but you do you.


_jandrewc_ t1_itomd4z wrote

It wasn’t liberal reps who blew a hole in the state budget with subsidized private school for already-affluent families.


rog_ChaiNSaW t1_itmb6e6 wrote

NH has been purple for a long time


Azr431 t1_itnyme3 wrote

NH was deep red for a long time and now it’s purple 😁


wegandi t1_itqwe9k wrote

NH is still red. Dems have only held a trifecta for 4 years. Republicans have done so for 11 years. This is recent history. NH of course, is not as red as it used to be, but old NH was redder than Oklahoma or Wyoming is now.


The_Road_is_Calling t1_itmcktl wrote

New Hampshire is definitely not “solidly blue”, it’s very purple. While the entire Federal delegation may be Democrats, the state government has been completely controlled by Republicans since the last election.

As far as the current election, seems hard to say. Hassan is a pretty ho-hum senator with less popularity than Jeanne Shaheen, but Bolduc may have hurt his chances with the large independent block by taking a fairly hard pro-Trump line during the primaries then trying to walk it back at the start of the general election.

Honestly it was probably come down to who pisses off fewer people with their constant and inescapable political ads….

Edit: Grammar


Upstairs_Ear5488 t1_itpe9vw wrote

Yes I’ve heard enough about Bolduc taking that poor obese man’s social security to last a lifetime


Joeyeastman t1_itr7iui wrote

This is my favorite commercial on tv and I hope it plays long after every election ever


Azr431 t1_itnye9z wrote

State leg has flipped every two years for the last decade. A fickle bunch we have in NH


UnfairAd7220 t1_itn6nbe wrote

Except the only people who pay attention in the primaries are the ideologues.

You're going to get people walking into those booths holding their food fuel and mortgage payments in their hands looking for blood


Final_Act6703 t1_itmxov1 wrote

The independents in NH determine the outcome of our elections. They are not happy with MAGA candidates.

With Burns, Leavitt, and Bolduc on the ballot Internal polls run by GOP have indicated that NH is a lost cause for them.

State house politics depends on voter information. If the independents learn who the Republicans are fielding for state positions a they will give us a Democratic state. Thing is, voter apathy on state level stuff is huge. Free staters and criminals and whackos get a free pass for state positions…. That and working class are excluded.


Senno_Ecto_Gammat t1_itmdlwi wrote

>solidly blue

Both houses of the legislature are red as well as the executive council and the governor.


Azr431 t1_itny4cc wrote

State Leg has changed hands every two years for a decade. Most of New England’s love affair with GOP governors and the consistent flipping of the NH house is very intriguing


wegandi t1_itqvsjs wrote

Thats not true.

Republicans have solidly held control.


Azr431 t1_itr0uci wrote

I was referring to the House and, ok, there was one cycle it didn't flip


wegandi t1_itr1urc wrote

You said Legislature which includes the Senate. Regardless at the state level NH has always been solidly Republican and that appears to be continuing. Voters really hated the only time the Dems ever held a majority (07-10).


FreezingRobot t1_itmz1wn wrote

Like you mentioned, the NRSC officially stopped funding Bolduc's campaign, and now this week, a major SuperPAC tied to Mitch McConnell (Senate Leadership Fund) is backing out. That should tell you all you need to know about Bolduc's chances.

There's a lot of talk online that he's doing great, but that always happens when people are in a bubble. It's not crazy to not trust polls (and there haven't been a lot of them in NH), but all you have to do here is follow the money.


movdqa t1_itmv8rp wrote

NH is considered a purple state. I'm watching a 30 minute Q&A with him and he's a lot more polished than he has been in group meetings. There are things that I disagree with but he comes across a lot more reasonable in answering questions.


finalyst19 t1_itpeuz0 wrote

Don “Boots on the ground in Ukraine” Bolduc.


movdqa t1_itpfuhw wrote

I haven't heard him talk about that in the past month though. I do think that NATO has troops just over the border right now.


finalyst19 t1_itpqeh4 wrote

That’s because he realized how stupid and unpopular it was.


ninjamansidekick t1_itn70n9 wrote

As some one who leans conservative I will be throwing my vote away by voting for Kaufman.


Hutwe t1_itpv4lr wrote

I’m going to argue that there’s no such thing as throwing away a vote of that’s who you want to win.


seanwalter123 t1_itnw19k wrote

Doesn’t change he’s the best candidate for the job lol


ninjamansidekick t1_itnzscc wrote

It's a pretty low bar at this point and he is the only candidate with a beard. We were better off when everybody had beards, and wore flannel shirts, and not only dressed like lumber jacks but also knew how to split wood.


CDogNH t1_itmm11v wrote

The Senate campaign fund pulled the money to support a globalist RINO, Murkowski, rather than support a candidate endorsed by Trump. The Globalist RINO in AK is in a tough race against a Trump endorsed candidate. They would rather save a RINO than potentially flip a seat apparently.


HowardNelsonJr t1_itn7dwb wrote

It’s a toss up for sure. Vote Republican. Democrats have shown what they can do with full control of gov and it ain’t pretty.
