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Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_isf1zya wrote

I do believe legislation should exist that allow men the right to terminate their parental obligation of a child after paternity is proven. Women have the right to force a man to have a child even if he isn't mentally, emotionally or financially ready, while also having the option to abort that child for those same reasons of not being ready. No person should be forced into parenthood.

I personally know of 9 children that exist in this world because their mothers "knew they could force the father's to pay for their kid". That's 9 children being raised by selfish and thoughtless mother's, who in turn will raise them to believe as they believed, that they can force responsibility for their choices onto someone who doesn't want it.


Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_isfqouj wrote

I think I agree with everything you posted, especially the bit about the 9 kids…me and my siblings are the result of a dim witted woman’s attempt to squeeze the government for free/subsidized stuff.

I’m not entirely sure I understand “nobody should be forced into parenthood” though. It sounds like a two-way street, but…