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pahnzoh t1_iu8rybe wrote

Yes. You can have a LTC or even a machine gun license and the 10 round magazine limit applies.

Don't trust whatever the safety person told you. The AG will absolutely prosecute you for a felony in MA for having a 11+ rd magazine manufactured after 1994.

You can't buy normal guns there. You can't buy an AR15. You have to buy an M16 equivalent semi-auto lower manufactured prior to 1994 and build it out from there to avoid the state AWB.


SheeEttin t1_iu9ulio wrote

You can buy and build ARs just fine. I live in MA right now and I have one.


pahnzoh t1_iuavja5 wrote

Well it's more complicated than either of us have stated. It depends on the FFL and whether you want to risk prosecution from Maura's interpretation of the state AWB.

Hopefully SCOTUS will kick these laws to the ground once and for all soon.