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TheMobyDicks t1_isu2kb2 wrote

Just came back to work from Covid. Me and two of my buddies got it (all of us are double boosted) but none of our wives or kids got it. Musta got the strain that likes only middle-aged men. The others had runny nose, coughing, bedridden, etc. Me? Just a four day splitting headache.


Foops69 t1_isuc9yh wrote

Interesting. My husband recently just got over covid. He was also down for the count with every symptom except for respiratory. I walked away unscathed. I even did a pcr test that came back negative. Same thing happened with the guys wives at work that also had it.


dogownedhoomun t1_isv2iki wrote

I did get a report that mid aged men are targets! Lol just yanking your chain