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[deleted] t1_it2md6c wrote

NNE has plenty of guns and almost no crime. Fuck off


Icy_Brother_1 t1_it30wns wrote

Until it happens and then stupid ignorant like you say " thoughts and prayers ". I am not worry is beginning to happen. The same was said about pot that it was never gonna be legalized and now just a few states hasn't legalized it yet. The only thing is needed is for all the baby boomers to die. That can not happen fast enough if you ask me.


Berneraccountbuddy t1_it3brw3 wrote

Have you been ignoring the recent Supreme Court decision regarding firearms and the ramifications it has had on state gun control laws? Seems like you have.


Icy_Brother_1 t1_it3faq1 wrote

Have you heard about an executive order?? Seem like haven't. That is exactly what happened. I am baffled how here you all love your guns more than your own kids. Priorities. Everyone has their own I guess. I feel sorry for your loved ones.


Reubachi t1_it3ja9y wrote

I’m of the same beliefs you are in terms of gun control. but no need to be so insulting to a person politely debating and offering his/her insight.

You make the rest of us look bad by telling people to die because they said a word you disagree with online.

I’ll try to address one of your points. How does pot legalization have anything to do with gun crime statistics between different states? Do you also want our income to be taxed like mass/Maine?


Icy_Brother_1 t1_it3jjek wrote

Totally agreed. However If because I said what I think the first thing they call me is a bitch and a morron. I don't care who it helps I am gonna react.


Berneraccountbuddy t1_it42bqr wrote

My kid is more likely to be injured in an accident on the way to school vs a school shooter, but thanks for being the one person who dared to think about the children, hero.


Icy_Brother_1 t1_it44kdv wrote

Ma'am. But still is a possibility and only here in the USA for the love to guns. Is just stupid to put anyone's life in danger because of it. Specially kids. It is anti natural not wanting to protect your kid. Is a diservice to them.


Berneraccountbuddy t1_it45rdw wrote

Gun laws are just words on paper that good people choose to be limited by. No bad people were ever stopped by a law. You can 3D print a gun easily with a $250 3D printer. I don't know what you think the plan is for gun control but it will continue to fail, just as it always has. If you had a magic button to take away every gun today there would be a black market for them tomorrow.


Icy_Brother_1 t1_it4765c wrote

Ma'am. For starters not only good ppl like guns and not only bad ppl likes them either. I do understand that you might need them to hunt or protection. But do you need an assault riffle, silencer and 10 - 15 guns?

Gun laws actually have helped a lot of countries like Australia, Sweden, France, Spain, England, many countries in south and central america.

You are right laws will not stop bad guys to get them but it will be much harder and more expensive and a depressed teenager won't be able to access them for example. There will be way way more expensive. For example a gun in Australia on the black market is about 36K. Do you think is so easy to get them? Or everyone has 10 guns of course not.

The problem is the obsession and how easy are to get them here as well as the lack of retaliation for irresponsible parents. If your kid killed himself by mistake with your gun bc you didn't put it in a safe place you should go to jail.

A gun is a lethal weapon not a Toy and this country does not see it as such.


Kv603 t1_it9eo4e wrote

> Have you heard about an executive order??

Executive orders don't work that way, if they did Obama would've done it.

All the president can do with EO/EA is to move around budget money and redirect the priorities of agencies in enforcing (or not enforcing) existing laws, or otherwise execute on existing statutory powers.

An executive order cannot make new law.