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bilug335 t1_iupg7b8 wrote

100% Trump cuck.


DrMcMuffinMD t1_iuqh25v wrote

How is this fuckwit only behind by 4 points…we have an issue with declining intelligence in our population if we are letting people like this even come close to getting elected and it needs to stop


ajb15101 t1_iur0fcb wrote

Boomers have gone out of their way to not learn a thing in 40 years


BeautifulHolmz4L t1_iuox2xj wrote

Dude's a low-grade human being and in no position to be making up criticisms of others.


Automatic-Raspberry3 t1_iuot4r6 wrote

Hopefully his lying matters.


tonypolar t1_iuqpyth wrote

Doesn’t seem to. No one cares about his stolen valor either.


CheliceraeJones t1_iurbzdd wrote

>stolen valor

Source please and thank you


tonypolar t1_iurd2e2 wrote

Sure (i had the fun experience of "working" with D.B, too)

Sat at many presentations where he talked about being in the first group, I'm surprised this hasn't gotten more traction.


His dog was nice, though.



CheliceraeJones t1_iurj5zy wrote

>As we said, Bolduc had a distinguished military career. He was one of the first Special Forces officers in Afghanistan. That credential may indeed qualify him as a “horse soldier” even if he was not part of ODA 595, the 12-man team that rode horses to victory.
>But where the video goes wrong is that it so closely associates Bolduc with the ODA 595 legend that viewers may assume his exploits were depicted in a Hollywood movie. The photo trickery in the ad is no accident. Clearly it was effective enough that some reporters have taken the bait — and the Bolduc campaign does not appear to have corrected the record. However, we found no evidence of Bolduc himself embellishing the story when specifically asked about it.

Emphasis added by me. Sounds like valor not stolen but rightly earned.


tonypolar t1_iurjoas wrote

I mean, I feel like that's a claim that could stand to be corrected then. I have also heard him talk about being in the first group, I think there is an argument to be made that being purposefully vague about your service is not exactly being forthright.


ItsMeFergie t1_iurvzce wrote

Okay but where are we on the frogs being gay case? Are they being turned gay? Have they always been gay? Alex Jones is busy so we need to focus on it ourselves


Alert_Cantaloupe5032 t1_iuslj9y wrote

In this specific case Bolduc is most likely making stuff up but the time where Alex Jones was saying the frogs were turning gay, he was right in a loose sense lmao. There was chemicals present that were messing with their hormones, the concern being it was going to affect people. He said it in a funny way but not entirely false.


ItsMeFergie t1_iusn3ni wrote

Oh I know the whole situation I am looking for an update. Are the frogs still gay? Are affected people turning gay? Am I now gay? I don’t feel gay but I don’t know if I was exposed to the chemicals or not. /s


ItsMeFergie t1_iusn2d6 wrote

Oh I know the whole situation I am looking for an update. Are the frogs still gay? Are affected people turning gay? Am I now gay? I don’t feel gay but I don’t know if I was exposed to the chemicals or not. /s


8kib t1_iur4q7o wrote

That really happened though. Not sure if it happened in New Hampshire, but it actually happens. Not sure why everyone is freaking out.


Hextall2727 t1_iur51cj wrote

Where? Just one instance would make me think you're not a goddamn fool for thinking this is real.


wriestheart t1_iure3hh wrote

You don't know anything about kids do you... If anything like that was happening anywhere it would be all over tiktok in minutes.


Jtagz t1_iurrgu3 wrote

That’s what these people don’t seem to grasp. Teens would be spread this like wildfire if it was truex


[deleted] t1_iutkliu wrote

It definitely happened. You saw a post on Facebook from uncle Jimbo so it’s basically cold cold facts.


Doug_Shoe t1_iuquwzk wrote

So --- the school is saying that students who identify as animals are suffering from delusions or other mental health issues? And therefore it's ok to deny them special bathroom privileges?

-because factually they are biologically not cats (etc)?

Is that it? If so, it seems to open up another level of conversation.


Jtagz t1_iuqvtot wrote

No, it really fucking doesn’t


Doug_Shoe t1_iuqw1wr wrote

So then the school IS providing litter boxes for any student who identifies as a cat, etc?


Jtagz t1_iur0i3l wrote

No. you’re just trying to make the strawiest straw man argument just to be a transphobe.


Doug_Shoe t1_iur1tsb wrote

In a single sentence you used the term straw man and then ascribed a motive to me (fear, phobe).

Do you listen to yourself?

Meanwhile, I was asking questions about the school. By definition, a question can't be a straw man.


Hardmeat_McLargehuge t1_iurcttb wrote

Yeah no one is going to take your pathetic bait. Litterboxes aren't a fucking thing. Bolduc is fearmongering the hyper gullible trump base and it's clearly working.


Jtagz t1_iur9xgh wrote

You’re asking questions because you’re attempting to do a “gotcha” that just ends with you spouting transphobic garbage. Anyone can see that.


ajb15101 t1_iur0dou wrote

No. That’s not a thing. No kid is getting a litter box in school. Whoever started that shit made it up.


Doug_Shoe t1_iur1k7y wrote

What is your reasoning for denying a child a litter box when he identifies as a cat?


ajb15101 t1_iur6n72 wrote

Because that’s stupid and unsanitary and no kid identifies as a fucking cat


SheeEttin t1_iutajhi wrote

Nobody is denying it because it's not happening.

If it did happen, it would be denied due to sanitation concerns.


wickedhip t1_iusnbab wrote

The school didn’t say any of the things you attribute to them.


Maximum_Passion1865 t1_iuoqu0h wrote

I've blocked this sub over and over. Leave me alone fascists.


FloozyFoot t1_iupxvl7 wrote

Ladies and gentlemen, the "fuck your feelings" crowd


dc551589 t1_iurh2n5 wrote

This is basically an r/oldpeoplefacebook haha! “Get off my page,” “get out of my phone!”


ajb15101 t1_iur0hcy wrote

Don’t pay attention then, Einstein