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mattinnh t1_ixdjxia wrote

If only Sununu won’t veto it again. Let’s put it on the ballot and see what happens.


chubbuck3 t1_ixdu28e wrote

I didn’t vote for him this year. Because he’s vetoed the bill so many times now it’s pissing me off if he doesn’t do it this time we need to get somebody that will.


burnsalot603 t1_ixf1zdm wrote

He's gotta have some back door deal worked into the whole "we are only gonna sell weed through the liquor store" plan. Total bullshit but I see no other reason why he'd continue to let so much money flow out of EVERY border we have.


mattinnh t1_ixf5yvg wrote

I’ve heard he wants for it to be federally legal so that can happen. Also someone said he is waiting till there is an actual breathalyzer to test if you are stoned and driving. I know that it would definitely help with the opioid problem.