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No-Historian-6391 t1_iuyostz wrote

Dude fuck you - imagine having to live with that and then seeing some dickhead post on here like they are the all mighty and casting a blanket statement in the shadow of their ‘perfection’

Who knows what happened .. it’s a horrible, gut wrenching situation that you decided to somehow turn it into a rant about your own personal grievances with how people…. Apparently everyone but yourself… drive ?

You are a loser.


NickTz20 t1_iv0xj5g wrote

Are you saying the person that killed this child should be guilt free? You know the odds, they were likely driving like a POS. Don't be fuckin naive.


RickyDaytonaJr t1_iuyi6ha wrote

What happened is horrible and extremely sad. But, based on what’s been reported, there were a number of witnesses and there hasn’t been any indication (yet) that the driver did anything wrong.


Whatwarts t1_iuyjl9b wrote

Didn't say that they did, there are no details. However, cars drive through there much too fast, oblivious to anyone trying to cross. The speed limit around there should be 20 mph max.

I tried to cross there a couple weeks ago and no one would stop for the poorly marked crosswalk. Finally, a couple of cars stopped.


RickyDaytonaJr t1_iuykzuk wrote

The police captain was quoted in the news as saying “It doesn't appear there was any improper driving at this point”. So, the driver is going to have to live with this forever, even though it may not have been their fault. There are lots of terrible drivers in this state, but the driver in this case may not have been one of them.


movdqa t1_iuymosc wrote

You can have a combination of a curve, hill, blind intersection, narrow road, no shoulder, where an accident occurs because a driver just can't see something fast enough - even when driving below the speed limit. It can be road design too.


Whatwarts t1_iuyohuz wrote

The road design through there facilitates speed, not safety. The next intersection is Main and No Main and there is at least one crash there a day,


movdqa t1_iuyou0n wrote

The state should have DoT look at something that bad.


Berneraccountbuddy t1_iuyq82y wrote

You don't understand, the person was driving a 4000 lb weapon!



1976dave t1_iv1g5fn wrote

Outside of this rant even, it's a good thing to remember that your average car is absolutely fucking huge. Even a lil subaru impreza is 3000 lbs and people do seem to forget how dangerous driving is judging by the amount of people I see every day doing things like using their cell phone, checking make up, swerving between lanes, not using indicators, etc.


Azr431 t1_iuyqper wrote

Police are infamous for absolving drivers of responsibility before and after any kind of investigation into these kinds of events. It’s just a whoopsie 🤷‍♂️


movdqa t1_iuyij9c wrote

I was at a town Planning Board meeting a few years ago and a state planning guy did a presentation on making our region friendlier to pedestrians and bicyclists. I pulled him aside after his presentation and told him that Southern NH is just designed really poorly for pedestrians and cyclists. He acknowledged this but he was a planner so this could be something 5, 10, 15, 20 years out. Our roads, bridges, intersections are designed for cars and that's always going to make being a cyclist or pedestrian dangerous. I'm a runner and always looking out for cars; especially those not paying attention.


Azr431 t1_iuyq80k wrote

America wasn’t designed exclusively for cars until the 50’s. It happened because of car manufacturer/political corruption, suburban white flight, racism, the FHA of ‘56 and carbrains like Robert Moses. Some states and cities have realized what a colossal fuckup that was and began investing in pedestrian and cycling infrastructure and reducing car dominance decades ago. Some have begun more recently. New Hampshire hasn’t gotten the memo at all.


movdqa t1_iuzz3zw wrote

I grew up in Newton, MA and you can live there without owning a car or knowing how to drive. The city is broken down into about a dozen villages and there is a shopping center area for each village so you're never more than a mile away from shopping. They have five rail stops and several bus lines. There are some main roads that are very busy and not great for cyclists but they have sidewalks on both sides of the road so good for pedestrians. So you can design cities to be walkable but it seems to be very hard to retrofit.


Azr431 t1_iv0n2ym wrote

Yeah always harder to remediate, but it’s where the whole country is. Honestly, the most difficult thing isn’t the ground work. It’s the initiative and vision, political will, and willingness to push back against car-centric design so many people are just accustomed to.


Whatwarts t1_iuykpja wrote

I don't think there was a planned design, it just morphed. When they redid exit 3, there was no pedestrian or cycling infrastructure included for the underpass.


movdqa t1_iuym6xs wrote

I used to ride with the Charles River Wheelmen when I lived in Boston. I tried to bicycle to work when I moved to Southern NH and just found it too dangerous for my comfort level. The bridges were a big problem as crossing them meant that a driver had to stop for you and drivers are in too much of a hurry to stop for you - and, even if they did, they'd annoy the driver behind them.

Our former fitness center manager, a former national class cyclist, told me that the area where I live is not a great area for cycling - she cycles all over the place and knows the main roads well.

I prefer to run in housing developments or around shopping malls or strip malls just because people have to drive at lower speeds.


Whatwarts t1_iuypb53 wrote

Cycling around here has become a next level of suck, that's how I can describe it best. The last few years have become a very unpleasant cycling experience. Close passes and agro drivers are the norm every ride, laws be damned.


NickTz20 t1_iv0xm4t wrote

OP is soaking absolute facts. People disagreeing are the ones guilty of driving like shit heads.


golden_ange t1_iuz62pl wrote

who’s saturday and why did she kill a kid?


oranthus t1_iv1cr00 wrote

The amount of people driving fast along my street while kids were out on Halloween was a little disturbing.


Darth_Jelqer t1_iuz1uvr wrote

The drivers in this state are such douchebags

I feel like I have my ass ridden by pickup trucks down windy country roads with their bright ass, elevated headlights multiple times a week. At least 10x as often as drivers who maintain a reasonable following distance.


KrissaKray t1_iv266yo wrote

What in the world even is this post?


akmjolnir t1_iv0ms3g wrote

There's a place for complaining, it's called the bar.


mixolydian8 t1_iv0n0yt wrote

While you were in the ER did you get your head checked?


gmcgath t1_iv1hask wrote

Substitute "Jews" or "black people" for "Salem" if it helps to see the fallacy in the post.


greyenigma13 t1_iuyqgtf wrote

You should write a book so the rest of us idiots can learn of your wisdom. I can’t believe demigods still walk among us. We are so blessed. Were you in the ER saving a life or just ringing the call bell demanding a sandwich and the medicine that starts with a d and that you are allergic to narcan?
