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r_hove t1_ixntaio wrote

You should see him in his real life


800grandave t1_ixntss4 wrote

i picture him as an amorphous blob covered in dorito dust


sertater t1_ixnwaid wrote

my man. you have commented 90 times in the last 16 hours.


800grandave t1_ixnwtkl wrote

shit! is this a world record?!? thanks always helpful comment counter guy!

is it a natural skill? or does it take training?

(91 btw)


sertater t1_ixo2cge wrote

Sadly this is not a world record, but you are on your way! I'm sure if you continue with this pace, and being a waste of oxygen much like your other comments suggest, you'll hit the record in no time!

As for being the "always helpful counter guy," it comes naturally. I'm here to make sure you know just how much time you spend online instead of doing something productive!


800grandave t1_ixo39zy wrote

oh im sure youre a real fucking captain of industry type yourself. shucks mister, how do i find value and purpose?!?

by calling you a cunt, of course! tally another one fuckface