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lMickNastyl t1_ivcx9r3 wrote

Yep, me and my fellow cabal of democratic, groomer, pedophile, Illuminati brethren will personally find you and turn you gay and make you go the bathroom in a litterbox if you don't vote democrat.


girthemoose t1_ivcz0jo wrote

I hate that they are using stranger things to 'promote' voting.


FreezingRobot t1_ivf25bg wrote

I just imagine a table of white-haired old dudes saying "What do the kids like nowadays? What's that show on Netflix people are always talking about?" and the running with a Stranger Things theme.

Anecdotally, most folks I know who are Stranger Things obsessed are usually in their late thirties, so maybe not the greatest choice.


StylinBill t1_ivg843n wrote

“We hope to see you…” Omg so threatening and aggressive! how will you live your life without looking over your shoulder constantly!


UncleWillard5566 t1_ivgbsmx wrote

I think OP meant, "When we check the rolls." Who the fuck says shit like that? And what happens when they do and don't like what they see? Fuck these people.


StylinBill t1_ivgcdx4 wrote

Lol they aren’t gonna do anything if they don’t like what they see. Maybe find some other show’s font to print their flyers on next time


LBKTHREE t1_ivh6sir wrote

The language coming from federal down to local has been vaguely threatening.


StylinBill t1_iviagrt wrote

The proud bois bringing guns to the polls to intimidate people is threatening not a flyer with the stranger things font


LBKTHREE t1_ivja4sh wrote

What about the Dark Brandon giving an ominous speech against a black and red backdrop with armed guards in the background? Telling us that we have to vote for his party or else.

From top down it's been vague threats.

I wouldn't be worried about a couple of proud boys, the same way. I'm not worried about some antifa punks with guns trying to block me from voting, too.


StylinBill t1_ivjs9oh wrote

Lol ok dude. “The dark Brandon” you pussies love to make up insane scenarios


LBKTHREE t1_ivjwetd wrote

This is coming from someone who thinks there are Nazis everywhere and parents who want a say in their kid's education or those who want secure borders, and a decent economy are fascists.

Or are they a threat to democracy, as Brandon has repeatedly said?


StylinBill t1_ivkje8i wrote

Lol no one is ever gonna take you seriously if you keep calling biden Brandon. Parents shouldn’t get a say in their kids education if they wanna institute batshit insane Christian bullshit in the curriculum or straight up not teaching history and banning books that scare them. If they want that kind of say then homeschool your kid. But stop complaining about a say in kids education if your side doesn’t wanna actually teach facts


LBKTHREE t1_ivkny1e wrote

Tell me you're a conspiracy theorist without telling me. You must also be a groomer if you think parents shouldn't be involved in their children's education.

The same goes for calling people Nazis you know? I haven't taken people like you seriously for over 4 years.


StylinBill t1_ivkr3s7 wrote

I said they shouldn’t be involved if they are psychopaths that don’t wanna teach facts. If they wanna be insane they can homeschool their poor kids. Also never said nazi but since you’re so hung up on it I assume you are probably a nazi


LBKTHREE t1_ivkwnr0 wrote

The parent comment was about the right being Nazis. Since you chimed in, you agreed. Thanks for confirming how quickly you all jump to conclusions and label people based on your emotional opinion over facts (based on your thinking, the left is full of them given how often they reference them).

I get the feeling you would equate any parent who doesn't want a cross-dresser reading to their kids as batshit crazy. I also get the feeling you aren't a parent.


StylinBill t1_ivl3taf wrote

OoOoOh a cross dresser READING to my kid the horror! Insanity that you people are more scared of that than children being gunned down in school.

I am a parent and I want my kid learning real actual American history not some whitewashed bullshit Christian curriculum


LBKTHREE t1_ix886oh wrote

I am scared of a gunman shooting my child, it's why I support armed guards at schools. I'd rather money be spent on that than CD reading hour. I'm not scared of a CD reading to my kid. I just don't want it. My kids can learn about sexuality latter on in life. At their age, basic education is more important than some minority social cause that has no real benefit.

So sad/pathetic you still think christian curriculum is taught in school. You just admitted to CD reading to kids. Not very christian. They teach evolution and other scientific theories in school. Another mark against a christian curriculum.

I get the feeling you haven't had much education. Most likely getting your sources on reddit and other sites that weigh heavily in favor of your beliefs. That isn't good for anyone. I'd suggest you take an unbiased approach at actually learning the other sides reason for being against something rather than continuing to judge people based on very little info.


StylinBill t1_ixa7r14 wrote

Lol dude you’re a psycho. Think about what you said, the fantasy world you’ve created where “cross dressers” read to your kid (it doesn’t happen) is spookier to you than needing ARMED GUARDS AT A SCHOOL. You are insane

You are more scared of fake scenarios that don’t happen than of real ones that don’t need to happen.

And I’m the uneducated one 🙄


LBKTHREE t1_ixcsi7i wrote

Where did you even pull any of that from? Yes, you prove over and over, you are unable to read, understand and respond appropriately.

I'll reiterate if you're capable of reading it verbatim.

Yes, I'm scared of a gunman coming to my child's school. It's why I support armed guards at school.

No, I'm not scared of CD story hour. I just don't support it. I don't want my child's innocent imagination perverted by some grown up man with an alternative agenda. An agenda I'm not scared of either. I just don't want it taught at a young age.


lMickNastyl t1_ivlrh02 wrote


Dude, dark Brandon is a meme/satire that people on the left came up with to parody hardcore conspiracists. No one believes that shit, it's like /birdsarentreal.

It's political shit posting.


CDogNH t1_ivcybtq wrote

I'm torn but it's pathetic, creepy and seems like something like that should not be allowed. People can vote however they want. It falls under nunyo.


GraniteGeekNH t1_ivf3uph wrote

Just FYI: In most (all?) states you can see who voted in any recent election. You cannot see who they voted for, of course.


mixolydian8 t1_iveqrwe wrote

Our opponents are extremists. You better go vote for us. We will be watching.

Sounds a bit…fascist?


TarantinoFan23 t1_ivexz9d wrote

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Acceptable_Sir2536 t1_ivjkbly wrote

Yeah I definitely don't think he gets it. You totally do understand how it should be used.

It's (D)ifferent


TarantinoFan23 t1_ivjpn3r wrote

I thought fascism was when government officials were put in charge of a company to make sure products and services align with the state's political policies.


Prestigious-Club-939 t1_ivhnlxe wrote

I love New Hampshire but do people really think Don Bolduc is a suitable candidate lmao


Smirkly t1_ivcxvmw wrote

Not quite specifically but certainly meant to inspire a sense of unease.


gmcgath t1_ivefqkq wrote

I wouldn't call it a threat, but it's definitely disturbing. PACs have been doing some very strange things this year.


dduubbz t1_ivcztt6 wrote

I mean, they all probably do this anyways to see how much of their base participated, but it’s definitely weird to use it as almost a threat


tablebythegym t1_ivg6het wrote

It’s a guilt based thing trying to get you to think, “man if I don’t vote these guys will know.” It’s trying to play off of a established sense of duty to vote. But targeted at those that don’t vote often. Im in politics and these things are super common. Also check out who paid for it, it’s not Democrats but a left leaning organization. A key difference because they usually have worse marketing, worse data, and can’t coordinate with candidates.

These orgs left and right pump this stuff out and send it out usually with horrible data on who they are trying to target. Trust me it isn’t an intentional threat because the PAC doesn’t have the time or want to track down people, it’s just a poorly worded mass flyer. They also only spend money during elections so I really doubt they will follow up after the election with any type of flyer. But next cycle they will buy data on whether you voted and send something out like “you didn’t vote last time, maybe you care enough this time.” And you will probably get that whether you voted or not.

Hope this gave some insight on how these things work


Peeeculiar t1_ivcyk27 wrote

Just go vote - and have your ID handy in case they ask for it. These mailers are just silly.


asphynctersayswhat t1_ivh4oub wrote

Do you need a photo ID? Or is that just for non registered voters? I have never shown an id to vote


fins4ever t1_iveavwu wrote

"Go vote. This is a threat"


pahnzoh t1_ivd3kml wrote

They are Democrats so not surprising.

Which brain trust picked extremism as an advertising point? They're literally the same as Republicans except they want to ban guns and free speech.


lMickNastyl t1_ivd8b3g wrote

I heard Democrats also want to turn your guns gay.


vexingsilence t1_ivf50lb wrote

No, they want all semi-autos to identify as assault weapons. Same shit.


lMickNastyl t1_ivfojzc wrote

Well I identify as burst fire because I'm attracted to both semi auto and full auto.


pahnzoh t1_ivdcv59 wrote

If that was possible I wouldn't be surprised.


lMickNastyl t1_ivddohb wrote

Oh it's true, the other day I was at my weekly illuminati meeting and we were discussing the best way to disarm the conservatives so we can usher in our NWO.

It was decided that using force was too risky, so the plan is to use chemicals and marketing to make firearms appear to be homosexual so that the conservatives disarm themselves.

Finally those pious defenders of American liberty will not be able to impede our plans of world domination any longer.


pahnzoh t1_iveohs6 wrote

Don't tread on me with your army of gay frogs.


wickedhip t1_ivd7kck wrote

NextGen Climate Action committee picked this, it’s clearly there written on the card.

But the the hell; “we’re gonna check the receipts”… that doesn’t look good on anyone.