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knottedoaks t1_ivi1ir0 wrote

Reply to comment by lantonas in I-89 or I-91/93? by philly1750

You need to get out more.


philly1750 OP t1_ivi3i4v wrote

Right on, if he thinks 89 is the most boring highway than he should try I-90 out in South Dakota or the 401 or 417 in Ontario. Even the 20 and 40 through Eastern Quebec can be pretty brutal.


djdirectdrive t1_ivi61lk wrote

Drove through the Yukon once... Wasn't anything to look at but hills with moss on them for miles. And an occasional moose


akmjolnir t1_ivjbm5y wrote

I've done a bunch of Atlantic to Pacific drives, and I-90 through was fairly empty but there were some interesting stops for historical sites, but I-10 through New Mexico is bleak.


_drjayphd_ t1_ivjvvla wrote

I-81 in Virginia was pretty scenic but there was just so. much. Virginia. Then add in the fact that truckers take that route between Canada and Tennessee instead of using I-95 as a north/south route and you don't really get a chance to appreciate the terrain.


akmjolnir t1_ivk17ym wrote

Yeah, lots of dead deer along that route from my time making the trips from NC to NH back in the day. The only time I'd do I-95 was if I could leave Camp Lejeune in the evening, and drive all through the night.

No traffic once you passed through the DC-NYC megalopolis.


philly1750 OP t1_ivld1y6 wrote

I-81 is very scenic in general especially in Pennsylvania. Despite all the trucks, it still makes for a good drive, as it beats I-95 any day. I’ve never really had a problem with the truckers on 81, as I’m used to driving on ON-401 which is also full of 18 wheelers.

About 95, it’s full of tolls and traffic, and it’s a pretty boring drive. It’s only interesting because you get to pass through big cities but either than that it’s a waste.