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[deleted] OP t1_ix3ejhj wrote



rabblebowser t1_ix3ey3e wrote

I don't know Strafford, so I am not sure of the resources. Local papers, if you have any, are a great source. Just pick organizations that align with your hobbies and go from there. For me, I like being outside, so I volunteer at a zoo/park and met some great people. I do trail work with some outdoor organizations. Find the venues around you and check their websites for upcoming events and shows.


[deleted] OP t1_ix3g7c7 wrote



rabblebowser t1_ix8thg1 wrote

Sorry for you rough go. Feel free to send me a message any time you want to chat. If I get time I will look into events in your area to recommend to you!


[deleted] OP t1_ix8v3vn wrote



rabblebowser t1_ix945x5 wrote

Not really, never too late! Cliche to say, but it’s true. I started over at 36. Yes, it can be frustrating feeling so far behind, but I’m so much happier on my new path!