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YellowCessna t1_ixdozic wrote

I agree wiht all who think there's something fishy about this. I'll say it: I'd be all over the mother about this. ALL over her. Who the f would drop their daughter off in those mtns @ 5am leaving her not properly dressed or supplied? Who??

I've climbed those mtns many times and they are treacherous even in good weather, nevermind these current temps and winds. I was up there Sunday afternoon and it was crazy windy and cold.

Currently (11.22.22) @ 1240, I can see a Civil Air Patrol helicopter flying along the Lafayette/Lincoln/Haystack ridge.

This is bugging the hell out of me...I hope she makes it. And/or that Mom had no wicked hand in this. Too many parents killing their kids these days :(

Please stay off our mtns unless you're experienced and properly equipped.
