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Maldonian t1_iy85g2c wrote

No torture, and while everyone has their opinion on the death penalty, no, we certainly shouldn’t be using that for non-murder crimes.

But, the system could have been configured in such a way that habitual offenders must walk the straight and narrow for the rest of their lives, in exchange for being free.

Basically tell the guy: “You’ve served your time and you’re free for now, but this is it. If you so much as steal a stick of gum, you’re coming back here and staying here.”

Maybe some requirements that habitual offenders must maintain employment, attend ongoing classes about good behavior, maybe a requirement for community service?


NHGuy t1_iy8atbl wrote

And who pays for this?


Maldonian t1_iy8fe4w wrote

Sadly, you and me. We don’t have forced labor in prison here. It’s a tax I’m willing to pay, to keep you and me and our neighbors safe from monsters like him. As I said above, I sure wish this person would stop imposing these costs on us.