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MemeAddict96 t1_ivmf1mz wrote


Acceptable_Sir2536 t1_ivmg693 wrote

What makes you think I'm mad? Please elaborate


MemeAddict96 t1_ivmgd6t wrote

Your initial comment and then your reply to the person explaining what a palindrome is. Seems like you’re really upset.


Acceptable_Sir2536 t1_ivmh4qq wrote

How does questioning a low effort post, and making a low effort joke, make you think I'm upset?


MemeAddict96 t1_ivmhhmx wrote

Your verbiage and generally antagonistic replies


Acceptable_Sir2536 t1_ivmo9yy wrote

How does my verbiage indicate being upset? And general antagonistic replies don't necessarily indicate being upset. Can you clarify?


MemeAddict96 t1_ivmpdht wrote

> Can you clarify?



Acceptable_Sir2536 t1_ivmx9qk wrote

Not surprised.


MemeAddict96 t1_ivo4e6l wrote

Lighten up, you don’t have to be so angry all the time. It might improve things for you


Acceptable_Sir2536 t1_ivoc4hr wrote

You haven't explained how I'm angry. Why not?


MemeAddict96 t1_ivocg7r wrote

How often do you need people to explain your own behavior to you?


Acceptable_Sir2536 t1_ivodgpb wrote

Woah calm down kid, I'm just asking what lead you to your opinion and all you've done is insult me and ignore the question.



MemeAddict96 t1_ivodkms wrote

I haven’t insulted you


Acceptable_Sir2536 t1_ivoizek wrote

Dude you gotta calm down. You've been calling me mad and upset this entire time, and now that I'm pointing that out you're getting real defensive.

Take a breath, it will be ok.


MemeAddict96 t1_ivoj98k wrote


Acceptable_Sir2536 t1_ivota48 wrote

You actually tried to find a picture online to get to me? Wow you really are mad lmao

By the way, I'm not even bothering opening that 😂


MemeAddict96 t1_ivov3k3 wrote

It’s a picture of a mirror


Acceptable_Sir2536 t1_ivpcjyx wrote

That's really embarrassing that you went through all that effort lmao.

You really do seem mad. You need the last word in this conversation to make your life feel worthwhile?


MemeAddict96 t1_ivpmyvp wrote

> You need the last word in this conversation to make your life feel worthwhile?

I have the time for it today


Whats_Opera_Doc t1_ivmiypk wrote

I dare you to come up with a coherent and relevant twenty three letter sentence that reads the same forward as it does backwards, and then re-evaluate if this is "low-effort"


Acceptable_Sir2536 t1_ivmoloh wrote

Did you just fucking dare someone on Reddit? Fucking lmao.

I triple dog dare you to write a 500 word essay on which came first, the chicken or the egg. By Friday. In my inbox
