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checdc t1_ivp7uj5 wrote

No I don't deny the right has pride and appreciation for those in the military and those who serve their community. Police, fire fighters, emt, nurses, military they are thankless jobs. Appreciating someones sacrifice to take on that occupation doesn't make you a fascist. This is the same thing the left tries to do with nationalism. Pride in one's country is not a evil thing but the left tries to demonize it and portray a picture of evil with terms. If they can dehumanize the other side it makes it much easier to rally support behind eradicating them.

I didn't compare vaccine mandates to the holocaust. The holocaust came after. I compared it do how the Nazi party divided the German people. Their greatest accomplishment was how the took control of the youth in Germany through schools and athletics. Truly is fascinating how they controlled the whole population and its very easy to compare with how the left has sized control of the public school system here in America. I know you won't look into any of this cause you're lazy and close minded but it was worth a shot. Although something tells me you would have no problem with those on the right being rounded up and put in a gas chamber. Just seems like that's the kinda person you are. Go a head and admit it to the world.