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Decent-Door-8951 t1_ivnbptj wrote

Crazy how a country that rhymes with Crussia stopped exporting oil for whatever reason and gas prices shot up world wide🤷‍♂️

Also, gas prices would still be low if we had a much more diverse energy and transportation grid (electric vehicles, hydrogen vehicles) and didn't have to rely so much on gas. I wish that there was a party that supported that.(hint it's not republicans)


vexingsilence t1_ivnkpdt wrote

It'd make more sense to tap into domestic oil resources. You can't switch a significant chunk of the motor vehicles on the road over to EV in a short period of time. We're constrained by the number of high voltage batteries that can be produced given the scarce metals required. Vehicle parts in general are hard to source, even for traditional gas powered models.

But even if we could replace the vehicle fleets with EVs, we don't have the electricity we'd need. We're stuck using a lot of natural gas. Green energy won't get us there. If it could, Germany wouldn't be switching back to coal. We need nuclear, and no one on the left is going to support that. Those are the same jackasses that did everything they could to stop electric companies from building nuclear plants, and the reason why Seabrook NPP is half of what it should have been and why NH electric rates are out of control.


Decent-Door-8951 t1_ivp8f7p wrote

I agree. It is unrealistic in a short period of time, but if we only think what we can do in short term it will never be done.

Nuclear is really the best source of energy. It's clean, safe, efficient and barely any waste is produced. An ideal clean power grid would be Nuclear and Hydro as base and have wind and solar on smaller scale. It's sad that nuclear has a bad narrative because it's not well taught to the general public.

Recently, nuclear energy is supported by dems, funding for nuclear energy was part of the infrastructure bill that was passed.


Alternative_Push5798 OP t1_ivnbug3 wrote

gas prices skyrocketed day one of Biden's presidency. we all know why


infiniteglass00 t1_ivnf9km wrote

If you're saying gas prices skyrocketed literally day one of his presidency, then you're saying it's the Republican administration that created the conditions for them to skyrocket


Decent-Door-8951 t1_ivnc978 wrote

Please, do tell me what Biden did that shot gas prices up on DAY ONE. Do you go on the internet at all or just repeat what Tucker Carlson says like you're watching Cocomelon?


Alternative_Push5798 OP t1_ivncfrw wrote

blocked the keystone pipeline. destroyed thousands of jobs in the process. gas prices skyrocketed


Decent-Door-8951 t1_ivnddbv wrote

Lol so you dojust repeat Tucker Carlson! So predictable! I see you know nothing about the Keystone pipeline! Fun fact Keystone pipeline is a functioning pipeline that is working right now.

What you are talking about is an extension of the pipeline which transports Canadian oil to be refined in the gulf and then exported to other countries. And experts have found that Keystone XL pipeline would have a negligible affect on the US economy.

In summary, no blocking the Keystone pipeline did not raise gas prices.


RegularKindaPerson t1_ivnegov wrote

This right here. Also don’t forget the fact that the jobs “lost” were not long term jobs in the first place. Or the fact that the jobs “lost” aren’t even a drop in the bucket compared to the numbers of some of the layoffs that major corporations do every year without help from the government.


Impossible-Bear-8953 t1_ivp44rx wrote

You realize that 1) that pipeline was less than 10% complete and still wouldn't be completed today? 2) the pipeline was a pass through with the contents already pressed to China etc al.


nblastoff t1_ivqt5r4 wrote

This is a straight up lie. Prices at that time had been slowly trending upward, but they were far higher a year earlier. Certainly didn't skyrocket.

Here is some data for you all

The site above is a easier way to view the data exported from

It really does take 10x the effort to disprove bs as it takes to crap it out.