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WrongdoerClean7529 t1_ivni84x wrote

Republicans have no plans to fix the economy besides tax cuts for the rich and dismantling federal programs. Unless you’re rich why would you not vote democrat.


oceanofice t1_ivnm4nv wrote

Deficits created by excessive spending spur inflation because the government will need to either tax or borrow the money to fund it. That is not good for the economy long term it leads to gloated bureaucracy and wasteful spending. Too much borrowing and money creation leads to higher inflation, that’s apparent, only a Keynesian would support deficit spending to justify irresponsible fiscal and monetary policies.


sound_of_apocalypto t1_ivo1lxr wrote

Was Trump a Keynesian when he bailed out Wall Street, increasing the money supply in the process?


oceanofice t1_ivo2l86 wrote

Yeah they all run deficits and increase debt. Bailouts are more like a money laundering operation where the government commits organized robbery on the working class and gives it to their big business friends.