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vexingsilence t1_ivnkpdt wrote

It'd make more sense to tap into domestic oil resources. You can't switch a significant chunk of the motor vehicles on the road over to EV in a short period of time. We're constrained by the number of high voltage batteries that can be produced given the scarce metals required. Vehicle parts in general are hard to source, even for traditional gas powered models.

But even if we could replace the vehicle fleets with EVs, we don't have the electricity we'd need. We're stuck using a lot of natural gas. Green energy won't get us there. If it could, Germany wouldn't be switching back to coal. We need nuclear, and no one on the left is going to support that. Those are the same jackasses that did everything they could to stop electric companies from building nuclear plants, and the reason why Seabrook NPP is half of what it should have been and why NH electric rates are out of control.


Decent-Door-8951 t1_ivp8f7p wrote

I agree. It is unrealistic in a short period of time, but if we only think what we can do in short term it will never be done.

Nuclear is really the best source of energy. It's clean, safe, efficient and barely any waste is produced. An ideal clean power grid would be Nuclear and Hydro as base and have wind and solar on smaller scale. It's sad that nuclear has a bad narrative because it's not well taught to the general public.

Recently, nuclear energy is supported by dems, funding for nuclear energy was part of the infrastructure bill that was passed.