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Mynewadventures t1_ivo4r7r wrote

I like to say that the Republican Party turned me into a liberal without me doing a damned thing.


DocMcCracken t1_ivo6e30 wrote

This. I was right leaning when they were smaller goverment, less goverment in your life. It is not what they are now. All the projection and power grabs. I realized it sometime during Bush's Presidency. What is offered now isn't actual solutions, just peddling fear and shitting the bed.


Mynewadventures t1_ivo6hoy wrote

All of that plus the Christian bullshit. I'm not a Christian.


ShortUSA t1_ivp3v2p wrote

I am a Christian, but don't want US governments peddling religion. This is not a Christian county, this is a country welcome to all religions, atheists, etc. None of that has a place in government.


Low-Head-1493 t1_ivochv8 wrote

Leavitt’s entire campaign seemed based on fear mongering and the fact that she had been a Trump lackey. Not too compelling!