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lMickNastyl OP t1_ivpvydv wrote

The democratic strategy to fund maga candidates is a lot like Murphy's military law:

If a plan is stupid but works it isn't stupid.

If you don't like the fact that these candidates appeal to the lowest common denominator then what are you doing supporting a party that allowed them to gain credit in the first place?

I'm not calling Republicans dumb at all but we all know that the radicalized conspiracy riddled goons lean hard right. Most Republicans in NH are socially liberal but fiscally conservative and don't buy into this bullshit. That's why sunnunu got 320,000+ votes but bolduc got 70,000 less meaning a lot of conservative voters voted for Hassan instead.

The Dems caught the GOP flat footed this time because the GOP wasn't able to counter the strategy because there were no radical Democrats running to fund.

The silver lining here for the GOP is that they are unlikely to humor jerkoffs like bolduc in 2024. Meaning that America may be turning a corner when it comes to hyper controversial candidates running for office.

The simple truth is that there would've been no strategy to use if the GOP ditched their harmful dead weight. Defeat is the greatest teacher and they are unlikely to repeat a mistake twice in a row.


Tullyswimmer t1_ivpwip8 wrote

> If you don't like the fact that these candidates appeal to the lowest common denominator then what are you doing supporting a party that allowed them to gain credit in the first place?

I'd like to ask the Democrats that question, along with, "If these candidates are such a danger to democracy, why did you elevate them?"

Reducing the election to "vote for us or democracy is in danger because we ensured that it would be if you didn't" really doesn't sit well with me. I mean, I know that 99.999% of Democrats have zero problem with that as long as their party maintains power, so it's the strategy I assume we'll see in almost every election going forward.

Nothing more democratic than making people vote for you out of fear.


lMickNastyl OP t1_ivpxw9g wrote

Hannibal Barka crossed the Alps and crushed the Romans. He did it once because that strategy would never work again because the Romans admitted thier flaw and worked on their own strategy. The Romans responsible for allowing it to happen were humiliated and swore they would never be left so exposed again.

You see what I'm saying?