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Rixtertech t1_ivpx2tv wrote

I think we should just take a moment here to thank Don "Kitty Litter" Bolduc for asking us to Think Of The Children, in their little imaginary Furry outfits, licking each other. This verbal image, which absolutely no one pushed him to talk about, is just one prime example of jackassery Don committed on the campaign trail. Echoing QAnon Tucker Carlson bullshit might entertain the Trumpy Howler Monkeys but it is not the way to election day in NH.



Environmental-Job515 t1_ivvm6il wrote

“Trumpy Howler Monkeys” Take my upvote!


Rixtertech t1_ivvxa5b wrote

Credit where credit is due, like any good creative I stole it from

"Mediocre artists plagiarize. Great artists steal." - Picasso

PS: I hear Bolduc may find kitty litter has been dropped off in bulk every Halloween from now till eternity.