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woolsocksandsandals t1_ivvwuje wrote

It’s a bad move. The state shouldn’t be a drug dealer. Shouldn’t sell booze either. Putting that aside state control of the cannabis market takes away a big opportunity to create profitable locally owned small businesses that would keep dollars spent on cannabis in the local economy. State control will likely only open the door to a small number of big businesses and will only serve to accumulate more money in the hands of the investment class.


itsalwaysteatimee t1_ivwcy2a wrote

In lieu of sales and income tax, the state needs other ways to make money. Property taxes, yearly car registrations, alcohol sales, etc. Either the state runs the dispensaries or you add sales tax at the register which, imo, they just won’t do. I’m in favor of sales tax at the register to make it local business friendly, but you need to do one or the other. We need a revenue from the profits. NH would become one of the poorest states around if they didn’t maximize their earnings here.

It will be important how the state handles their inventory, but we as the citizens need to make sure to voice our support for investing in local farmers. Both can be done, it just needs to be done correctly. This will become future talking points for governors / state politicians in the future 🔮


Consistent-Winter-67 t1_ivww85w wrote

Just mark it as a narcotics or as some places call it, a sin tax. A modest 8.5%, which is drastically lower than all other states.


woolsocksandsandals t1_ivy91k7 wrote

My preference would be that it just be deregulated and it’s sale treated as any other cultivated crop but I acknowledge there needs to be some amount of regulatory framework around cannabis. So I think speaking practically a tax on sales and a fee for a retail license or cultivation of like six plants or more that pays for the office that issues the licenses and a commercial cultivation facility inspector to protect consumers from bad growing practices is kinda a necessity. Some amount of tax revenue to the state would also be a benefit.

Selling cannabis and liquor and using the threat of punishment to stop others from doing it is awfully authoritarian. The state shouldn’t be a vice cartel.