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Rixtertech t1_ivw1xio wrote

This is a non-starter, not only because marijuana is so well-known to affect liquor sales but also because to legalize for recreational purposes you'd have to work past the strident objections of the REAL beneficiaries of prohibition: Police and their unions padded with cash who jump right into the issue whenever repeal comes up, drug-testing companies who are making money hand over fist, and the interests of employers who for whatever reason really think they are doing the right thing by trying to refuse employ to marijuana users. The courts, probation and parole, and prison system all benefit from prohibition in one way or another, mainly by fees, fines and keeping prisons and jails full to assure the receipt of federal funds. Oh, and lets not forget one of the biggest lobbyists of all; the liquor industry itself, and especially the beer producers. Anheiser-Busch was famous for this meddling back when they owned Budweiser, I'm not sure what InBev is up to now that they are the owner.

It'll happen at the last possible moment. None of the "Middle of the Road" Democrat governors we've had have seemed any more interested in reform than Sununu is, when you get right down to it.


TheCancerManCan t1_ivxoeki wrote

It'll happen just as soon as all the boomer politicians die out of office.


Rixtertech t1_iw0ye3t wrote

Oh, don't get so optimistic over our demise, youngster... I've noticed there's a nasty crop of Young Repugnicans and christofascists blooming like Poison Ivy and Hogweed all around us.