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[deleted] t1_ivxos4i wrote



Azr431 t1_ivyfxsm wrote


Hoops867 t1_ivz2gxt wrote

So it's making the state money, but businesses in the market are being strangled by being over taxed and over regulated. Businesses in California and Canada are going under because of that.


Azr431 t1_ivz4r9t wrote

It's a completely new market with gray areas and pipeline variances, churn is to be expected. And while some businesses might fail, others are flourishing. Smells like capitalism to me, no?

FWIW, it looked like the comment I replied to was referring to tax revenue, not business revenue, but my link still applies either way since they're inextricably linked.


Hoops867 t1_ivzdyk1 wrote

I think they were saying it shouldn't be seen as a cash cow, but they did pretty bad at formulating their thought.

It shouldn't be seen as a source of endless money they can just tax more. For more detail on what I said before, California backed off the taxes earlier this year.

And here is some more info on how cannabis is struggling in California.

Prices are being driven down, which is good for consumers. On the other end, they tax growers before its harvested and if the crop fails, they already paid taxes on it and have nothing to sell. It's just not a healthy market.

You see the same thing in other states as the market matures. Canada is similar.


Azr431 t1_ivzkzm4 wrote

I don’t think anyone is advocating for it becoming an unreasonable tax revenue stream. I see no issues with regulating and taxing cannabis like alcohol.


Hoops867 t1_ivznw97 wrote

Yeah, if it's regulated and taxed like alcohol, great all around. Almost every state is looking at it as a cash cow initially that they can and do tax the hell out of and that's bad for the industry in long term.

Even better if it's handled like alcohol in places that can sell it and home production and everything else as well.

In Oregon, beer is taxed less than a penny per beer. Cannabis is taxed 17% by the state and towns can tax it up to an additional 3%.


Azr431 t1_ivzz72x wrote

I’d imagine alcohol regulations already on the books contributes to the biggest differences. The two products are also inherently different in their supply chains and distribution.

This is kinda getting into the weeds. The fact that NH is the only state in the northeast that still bans recreational cannabis despite overwhelming popular support shows there’s something wrong with leadership in Concord.


Hoops867 t1_iw05oyp wrote

I agree. Although it's not just concord. Leadership just doesn't listen to the people everywhere for different things depending on what their financial interests are.


turtles_allthewaydow t1_ivz4b84 wrote

It is strange, we only hear about all the money the state’s leaving on the table. Maybe it would be nice to not lock people in cages over a plant?