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djdirectdrive t1_ivxubeh wrote

You got down voted hard for this but I agree with you to a point here. Your statement is also one of privilege where it sounds as if you haven't had to deal with societal oppression of any sort .

You're right... It shouldn't matter. We should be in a society where competence, not race, gender, sexual orientation should matter. But that's not true yet. Trans people are not accepted by many, which means trans people will not come out of the closet for fear of retaliation. Seeing a trans person be open and successful will help others in many ways. It also starts to show that trans people are the same as hetero so there's less of a divider due to differences. So celebrate the wins and eventually, hopefully, others will start to accept people for their contributions.


mackerdoots t1_ivy3gcw wrote

Well said. While there might be people struggling that need this kind of affirmation I worry about the people that would have lived a perfectly confident and happy life before seeing some example that made them question their own identity. I think outcasting people with gender dysphoria can be harmful but I also think celebrating it as some example to strive for can set an unhealthy trend. Whether it’s people who are just introverted and isolated looking for a way of being accepted or the FOMO that gets us all at some point. It should be accepted, recognized, and tolerated to normal extents. but celebrating it only helps those already struggling and I think long term it drags more people into that struggle that otherwise would have led a pretty dysphoria free life


Rare_Message_7204 t1_ivy0ngl wrote

I appreciate the civil response. I think I got downvoted by a bunch of people who just don't want to understand any other way of seeing it... Your assumption that my statement is from privilege is wrong and it's sad that by default you can say that without knowing me. I've seen plenty of adversity in my life and see it everyday working with inner city kids.

What I can say is that when I was in school nobody talked about someone being gay/trans or what your skin color was and because it wasn't talked about, nobody cared. Now, I see more negative talk about those subjects than ever.. I think when you put such an emphasis on these sorts of things, they'll end up being less accepted. They're being shoved down people throats. It's not going to work IMO. Downvote if you want, its my opinion and my experience.


Azr431 t1_ivy9td6 wrote

All lives matter guy here


Rare_Message_7204 t1_ivycd2f wrote

Someday, all you "open minded" redditors will realize your just as bad as the people you "hate".
