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SmellOk5518 t1_iw2r1gy wrote

I moved here from maine over a year ago, and the way people drive in nh is much different. I would say more wreckless, less courteous, and just overall very risky driving habits. But hey live free or die am I right?? I feel like I hear about gnarly accidents at least once a week. I dunno if it’s just being closer to mass, and people are rushing around more?? But from my perspective nh generally has pretty shitty drivers.


SquashDue502 OP t1_iw2sueu wrote

I drove to Portland the other weekend and I found Maine drivers to be very pleasant :)


Low-Head-1493 t1_iw2yqnp wrote

Eh. That’s anecdotal, as is pretty much all of the discourse on this thread.

I find that Mainers often take turns/corners more painfully slowly than any other drivers I have ever encountered, then there are others who speed pretty aggressively, but they also are often perfectly normal drivers… just like you might encounter in any state, including here!

I drove to Saco, Maine last night on windy back roads in pissing rain. Normal driving in both ME & NH by both yours truly and the other drivers… with the exception of one driver who came up behind me fast & probably didn’t like that I was slowing down on curves (just in this one meandering hilly section I’m unfamiliar with). I pulled over. Problem solved for both of us.

I do have one hypothesis that fits your opinion though: New England is FULL of old people. They can drive just fine in the snow as they’ve been doing it their whole life, but can’t see shit at night in the rain. (I’m not that old but am blind as a bat and use contacts… glare at night for me while driving is awful & precipitation makes it way worse.)


movdqa t1_iw5yij6 wrote

I have a pair of night driving glasses. I started having problems driving in the dark about 20 years ago so I told my optician and he said that the pupils expand when it's dark to let in more light and that this changes the geometry of how corrective lenses work. So he made me glasses with about a quarter less power.


Low-Head-1493 t1_iw74sv2 wrote

Thank you, that is really helpful and sounds exactly like what I need to do.


SquashDue502 OP t1_iw3bm9y wrote

Honestly you might be right about the old people, it makes sense.

One thing I’ve noticed that’s similar in the south is that the Ford F-150 drivers are assholes here too lol


ThunderySleep t1_iw501mx wrote

I'll find the occasional complete turtle in ME, but for the most part I've never noticed really bad or needlessly aggressive drivers there.

NH on the other hand, I probably see more ridiculous road-rage types than anywhere I've lived, including NJ.