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emu22 t1_iw2nfi1 wrote

Those poor people not being able to handle a 75 minute drive. This is the biggest non story ever.

If you have a sick kid you want to be at MMC, Boston or Dartmouth


lizyouwerebeer t1_iw2tcx8 wrote

The article said they tried Mass and Dartmouth and there weren't any beds after they realized they had to intubate a 3 month old. I don't even have kids but it seems cruel to call that a non story.


emu22 t1_iw2u5ai wrote

Exactly which is why MMC makes absolute sense from the beginning it’s one of the best hospitals in New England outside of Boston or Dartmouth.


lizyouwerebeer t1_iw2vk54 wrote

"On Friday, Nov. 4, all 87 staffed pediatric beds at The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital at Maine Medical Center (BBCH) in Portland were occupied, and other pediatric patients were boarding in the MMC emergency department. The 37 staffed pediatric beds at Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor were 97 percent full. "

I think the story here is that beds are becoming scarce for children.


grandzooby t1_iw33d9o wrote

It's not even just beds, but "staffed beds". Many hospitals have the rooms/beds for pediatric patients but lack the staff to operate them. In my state, apparently requests for temp staffing have to be made over 8 weeks in advance. With an disease like RSV that can either be a nothing-burger or a serious epidemic within a shorter time-period than that, it's making it difficult for hospitals to staff in advance.


emu22 t1_iw302c4 wrote

They were already scarce. That’s absolutely nothing new.


lizyouwerebeer t1_iw30fml wrote

Why were pediatric beds scarce?


emu22 t1_iw30ord wrote

I’ll let you read about that instead of answering.


lizyouwerebeer t1_iw310b9 wrote

Yep I am reading about it. Pediatric beds are more scarce now then they were during covid. Happy to provide you some links because you seem either misguided or coldly nonchalant.


grandzooby t1_iw322eb wrote

> coldly nonchalant

If the covid pandemic taught me anything is that there is much more casual psychopathy in the population than has ever been measured.


lizyouwerebeer t1_iw32dt8 wrote

Yup covid has taught me no one gives a shit about the elderly and immunocompromised. Thought it would be different for CHILDREN though.


SheeEttin t1_iw3qjxs wrote

"Think of the children" has been a meme for a reason. It gets trotted out all the time but it's only lip service.


Connect_Stay_137 t1_iw3iil4 wrote

Especially democrats who put criminals in nursing homes during the peak pandemic and ran small businesses out of buisness :(


NetHacks t1_iw3o5ba wrote

It's not worth it, this is the stupid response to this. The libertarian and republican response is that it's better to just let people die who get sick, instead of solving the problem so people don't have to die from preventable issues.


CheliceraeJones t1_iw3xr07 wrote

Oh it's nothing new then? God forbid the news highlights an ongoing issue.


emu22 t1_iw3zwji wrote

It’s been going on this entire time. I feel really bad that the younger generations are so ignorant about current events.


Darwins_Dog t1_iw36my4 wrote

A respiratory infection that's filling up pediatric ICUs all over the country is indeed an important piece of news. It may not affect you, but there are other people out there besides yourself.


batmansmotorcycle t1_iw3epu4 wrote

Maybe read the article dick bag ?


emu22 t1_iw3hs7v wrote

Didn’t have to. I know people that work with them. But thanks


batmansmotorcycle t1_iw3yhkh wrote

You know people who work with "them"?

The parents? You are saying through three levels of hearsay this family was too lazy to drive to Boston and that article is wrong?


emu22 t1_iw3zphz wrote

No, too lazy to drive to Portland. They wanted to go to Frisbie for some reason and some one correctly suggested Portland which they considered too far. Most parents I know would drive to California if it meant their children were getting proper care.

And given the sources some of which were contacted by the media it’s true. You could do your own research, their phone number is published


Mangoinmysushi t1_iw3yzbe wrote

It’s not the drive you fucking idiot. It’s the fact that hospitals are filled up and unable to accept new patients.

Also RSV is very dangerous for infants. Driving 75min is a long way to get your child help.


kamikaziboarder t1_iw4rt1p wrote

Dartmouth and Elliot are full. You soggy towel.


COVID_2019 t1_iw4s3kq wrote

>You soggy towel

This is almost as good as the "wet wipe" insult I saw earlier lol.


kamikaziboarder t1_iw4t67o wrote

I was literally taking a shit while reading this comment. I had planned to take a shower after. I was going to just call them a fucking moron. But then I realized, how useless and disappointed I was when I saw that my towel was wet.


COVID_2019 t1_iw4trog wrote

Hahaha no worries! Found the post!

It was in rare insults. Here's a link to it.


kamikaziboarder t1_iw4u0no wrote

How is wet wipe a comment insult in the UK?!? Recently I found out twatwaffle was a common insult, too!


emu22 t1_iw4tlix wrote

Why would they go to Elliot? I’m sure they want tk bring their kid home.


Flat-Development-906 t1_iw4ulpi wrote

Hi, mom of a three year old with a kidney disorder here. I have been to each major hospital system here in Southern nh as well as Lebanon and every branch of DH. Three weeks ago my youngest had to be hospitalized for 4 days with respiratory viruses. Patient care for pediatrics by and large has been best at the Elliot. Dh is great but has nursing shortages for paying so shitty.


kamikaziboarder t1_iw4tskh wrote

Elliot has a children’s hospital, a NICU, and PICU


emu22 t1_iw4uzi6 wrote

And 7 unexplained deaths to children in 30 years.
