Submitted by smefTV t3_yttsiy in newhampshire

I would consider myself to be moderately on the libertarian/liberal spectrum and was wondering how Hampshirites view the movement. I get that the Free State people are a bit obnoxious and extreme (I find them annoying too) but I was wondering how the overall movement is perceived.



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She-hyzers-1234 t1_iw6r1b8 wrote

I think in theory, at one time libertarian represented what a lot of NH republicans believe in, limited government while being socially liberal. Basically everyone minded their own business.

Things have shifted though and they seem to be joining the religious right/MAGA crowd and I want nothing to do with it now. They really lost their damn minds during the height of covid and went off the deep end.


smefTV OP t1_iw6tjnr wrote

Again, from my experience that's mainly the extremists who took over the party IIRC last year. Most libertarians I know don't follow the MAGA stuff and are just against government mandates and overall big govt. I understand your perspective though.


punkcypherOG t1_iw79j29 wrote

I like how you asked for other people's perspective but then try and qualify the information obtained. And the last sentence is analogous to a "I'm not racist but . . . "


clarenceisacat t1_iw74475 wrote

'Most libertarians I know'

Are these New Hampshire libertarians or libertarians in other states?


beyond_hatred t1_iw6hze7 wrote

Libertarians are a wholly-owned MAGA subsidiary.


smefTV OP t1_iw6j2m3 wrote

I would disagree.


beyond_hatred t1_iw6oe9d wrote

If they genuinely believed in liberty, they wouldn't vote for authoritarians.


smefTV OP t1_iw6tdzx wrote

I don't think libertarians tend to vote for authoritarians


beyond_hatred t1_iw6tqab wrote

You wouldn't think so, but they're more Trumpy than not.


punkcypherOG t1_iw79nax wrote

Again, why ask for people's perspective and then get on your white horse riding for nh libertarians? Bahaha


svenGhoulie t1_iw8kje7 wrote

The best I have heard is "Libertarians are like domestic house cats. They have a smug, superior attitude, and spend their time looking down on the system on which they are dependent".

My thoughts are: A Libertarian waters his lawn in the middle of a drought because "I pay the water bill, and there is nothing in the constitution that says I can't".


LumpyBumpyToad t1_iwbxp5a wrote

Libertarianism is, by definition, self-serving.

For example - they're supposedly big individual liberty people.... so they don't want the government enroaching on those.

Only they don't accept or understand that corrupt people and communities also do this... and things like governmental protections for marginalized groups matter.

You can't be pro "individual liberty" if - at the end of the day - you believe in a world where, by stepping foot on the wrong block, my liberties can be erased by the populace and their corrupt institutions.


sleaze_breeze t1_iwc46b4 wrote

Yeah ok but you’re a “professional” Reddit commenter


CocoTheElder t1_iw7diug wrote

Every self proclaimed Libertarian I've met ( all the in-laws, most neighbors) is actually just a Republican, and the neighbors are all just Maga, but they don't want to admit it. I view them much the same as I view Marjorie Taylor Greene.


eldonspangle t1_iw7cifw wrote

Libertarianism is a fucking joke for shallow thinkers.


wheeelchairassassins t1_iw76gs3 wrote

These days there are too many "pedos deserve to be recognized as a legit sexuality" types in libertarianism for me to consider them legitimate anywhere. Libertarians of the OG, anti gov, anti tax type are long gone that I've seen.. now it's just about MAGA and anarchism - fuck the government types. Not for me in any universe.


B_Da_May t1_iw7erop wrote

Libertarianism is as un realistic communism. Both systems work “hypothetically” but in practice they are both highly flawed and only work in utopian fantasy.


KrissaKray t1_iwc3fp1 wrote

Yeah except one wants people to leave others the f alone and the other is the absolute OPPOSITE.


Ok_Nobody4967 t1_iw7glei wrote

I see libertarians as nothing it free staters. A pox on this country.


Capable-Broccoli2179 t1_iw89uap wrote

Which are you? Liberal or libertarian? They are not even close on the ideology spectrum. In fact they are polar opposites.


smefTV OP t1_iw95stm wrote

I think you should read the Wikipedia article on liberalism.


LumpyBumpyToad t1_iwcc17n wrote

I did.

How do you all ensure individual liberty - in the context of societies that limit it without governmen oversight, protections and regulation which , to be honest, as our own history shows - only partially address the problem?

Seems to me libertarianism refuses to accept (despite screaming about individuals) that individuals - and groups of them - are fully capable of limiting the rights and liberties of people without "government," using only their collective biases and agreed-upon-bigotry to do so?

The "rights" thatlibertarians believe are "natural" or "god given" or whatever... that's not the case at all. And they are, in fact, existant only due to the blessing and whim of our communities and neighbors.

Where liberterianism leaves people up to the wolves... codified protections do not.


Tempestangel t1_iw985ep wrote

You're going to find all kinds in a purple state.

One thing I'd suggest though is that if you make your entire identity/personality your political ideology, you're going to get under more folks skin.


NewHampshireAngle t1_iw6p0wl wrote

Libertarians vary. Old school libertarians were hippies, no hate or even much activism. Just stoners with Objectivist economic leanings and a live and let live social outlook. These day it has become a catch all.


[deleted] t1_iw81uno wrote

Think about the kind of person that would move to a whole new state over a fringe ideology. Leaving their friends and family behind. Probably not even having a job. All that's here for them is an annual convention of like-minded misfits -- an Internet forum come to life. They're not sending their best to New Hampshire, that's for sure. They're sending pedophiles, drug addicts, and the criminally insane. You drive through the main road in Grafton, and you'll see the makeshift shacks these degenerates build, with a "trespassers will be shot" sign out front.

They're perceived about as well as the busloads of vagrants that red states send to Los Angeles. They live in similar squalor. They're about as hostile. Only difference? We armed the homeless. In an ideological vacuum, I have to admit, that's kinda based, but here in reality, people have been murdered because of it.

I'll just leave you with this: where else have you heard this story, of a fringe ideology attracting misfits and isolating them? Do these kinds of things generally turn out well for those involved? To say the quiet part out loud: this is how cults operate. Now, I think there are a few benevolent cults out there, but the followers are usually abused, and they are occasionally convinced to commit heinous crimes. Kinda human nature for these things to go to hell in a hand basket. Especially for the women and children involved. Especially when selfishness is perceived as a virtue in your cult.


5nd t1_iwa7x0l wrote

You mean like the early American colonists?


KrissaKray t1_iwc3cek wrote

Not all Libertarians are part of the FSP, and the fact that's how you start your rant makes me realize you don't really know what you're mad about lol


smefTV OP t1_iw960w5 wrote

People move across the U.S. a lot. I don't think it's insane to want to move to a place with likeminded people, many of whom share the same values as you do/


p53lifraumeni t1_iw6cakk wrote

If they don’t live free, they will die.


coldinNH t1_iw8zlif wrote

Prepare for some calm, objective, and reasonable statement in this thread.


pornplz22526 t1_iwar6zm wrote

Libertarians lean too far into corporatism for my tastes.


IBlazeMyOwnPath t1_iw7bkgm wrote

Kind of going on with what she-hyzers was saying, republicans of nh were always more small-L libertarian than conservative I feel, a trend represented in how we largely have rejected the MAGA crowd as a whole

There is a reason the FSP chose NH, since the underlying attitude was always present in the state, they just take it to the cuckoo bar extreme


RedLeafRoy t1_iw6l80k wrote

You can ask here, but the NH Reddit sub isn't NH.


CPUSA_NH t1_iwaqkh3 wrote

NH Libertarians are pretty based
