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Jean-Paul_Sartre t1_ixcclrv wrote

Yeah give it a few years, I was a libertarian at your age too but then adulthood set in.


alexkourtis OP t1_ixcdeo3 wrote

Yea i know what you mean actually... I'm not full on libertarian tbh ... I believe in the importance of the state... but generally speaking i want to live in a freer place.. Greece is unfortunately an extremely Communist society and not in the good way like north Europe.. I feel my heart's calling telling me to leave this place and go somewhere where i belong...


Relative_Election_81 t1_ixdcouv wrote

Libertarians are not opposed to the state existing. That would be an anarchist. Libertarians are basically just liberals from 20 years ago, before that label was co-opted by alt-left authoritarian extremists.


turk4lyfe t1_ixds4ke wrote

20 years ago was 2002. Are you referring to the democratic party? If so, I think you are confused/ignorant.

Here is the 2000 party platform.


Relative_Election_81 t1_ixnj1qv wrote

No, what I am is a liberal who is disgusted with what the Democrat party has become and the fact that they now stand in direct opposition to liberal ideals. Cope.


turk4lyfe t1_ixo9fx6 wrote

But I provided resources showing you the part platform from 20 years ago and it doesn't resemble what you are claiming it did.


Relative_Election_81 t1_ixq7weg wrote

I'm aware of what you posted, your confusion stems from the fact that you appear to be unaware that your post was a complete non sequitur. I'm talking about people, not parties. If you think party platforms are an accurate reflection of what people who support that party actually believe, or even an accurate reflection of the beliefs and actions of the politicians in that party, then you haven't been paying attention.

But let's talk about parties. 20 years ago the Democrat Party was not opposed to freedom of speech. Now they are. You don't get to be opposed to the most basic of all human rights, the very underpinning of liberalism, and pretend that you're a liberal.


alexkourtis OP t1_ixddea4 wrote

Aggree. But basically i felt like saying that word basically lures opposers for a straw man fallacy where they go like: "oMg So YoU ThINk eVeRyThING sHoULD bE PraivAtELy oWnED just because youre privileged and don't experience the problems of capitalism first hand? Basically they just assume you are some hardcore ancap.... Which I'm not tbh


Relative_Election_81 t1_ixnjhbq wrote

That's to be expected, it is standard procedure for extremists to misrepresent people who they can't compose a compelling or even coherent argument against.